Uploading a Resource is not possible either.

We may need a Doctor..! ;)


Dr Tom could upload using Firefox, so I tried firefox, and was able to upload from my mac on firefox. still getting an error with chrome though.
Chrome doesn't count. I find that to be a horrific search engine, but will drop a note that it doesn't work, maybe someone else can verify this?
Just checked it - uploading pictures and kits is not possible - again. :(

("The following error occured: There was a problem uploading your file.")
OK. Internet Explorer does not work on my system (Win 10 Home). I use Firefox only. I can attach files to my mails and upload pictures to other forums, so I don't think it is an OS issue. I'll wait a few days and continue working on Regula, there are still some tweakings necessary ("boring" copy-and-paste stuff, so you don't miss anything ;) ). I have sent the revised FedBase kit to @Rhaven Blaack and asked him to upload it once he has the chance. :)
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No one else is having that issue. Chrome is working now, as is Firefox. I'll have to try Win 10 on one of my other computers, but s I said, Win 10 is still buggy. I just got up, have a physical, and won't be around much today.

Ren Hoek.jpg
Hmm... I'm curious why only Zealot is affected. Uploading to other forums is fine, as I said.
AHEM. I DLed Chrome - and it works again! So I suppose the issue is due to Firefox. I'll check it thoroughly; maybe it needs a flash update or such. :)
I use Firefox, almost exclusively, and have had no problems whatsoever? :Computer:
Once again I have issues trying to upload. tried with firefox, after Google chrome id not work to good either way trying to upload off of this mac. Have been working on scenery, and coan't share my cool pics.
Confirmed on my end. I even can't upload a file with drag & drop.