Raging Rivets

Experimental Designs

Papercraft Visionary
Sep 4, 2011
West Columbia, SC
Well I at last reveal my Archilles Heel in the matters of making paper models. Since I'm delving into some Steampunk style stuff (no thanks to my Warmachine obsession of late) I've been at wits end trying to find a very practical and economical solution into putting rivets on my card models.

Some suggestions?
Well, one method can be using drops of wood glue (twice). the effects:



Other method is to use a syringe needle (cut short and sharpened) to put a lot of holes in a piece of card. In effect you get round rivets you need to push from inside the needle with some wire and then glue separately on the model surface.
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I second lehcyfer's method, the only difference is that I use white glue, to reduce shrinkage, and apply it with the head of a pin. Multiple applications produce larger rivets.
Glue method works well for small rivet heads, but for larger I prefer to use a punch ( called sometimes a Book Punch) I have several in various sizes and I use the same cut off scrap from the model, and punch out a bunch at a time...then drop of glue on tooth-pick, and pick up punched card rivet and place with same tooth-pick..when punched out of the card stock it will form the characteristic rounded rivet head and looks very good!
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