problems uploading pics


Moderator "Where am I, and how did I get here?"
Staff member
Jul 12, 2012
Shannon GA
Hi all, I've been trying for days to upload the last pics of my latest build and I haven't been able to upload. I follow the upload procedure then when it would normally indicate the photos you had uploaded, it list the photos and says upload failed. is this something I'm doing wrong, or is the forum still screwie.
Currently, there are problems with the forum as a whole. Uploading photos is one of the problems. IT has been informed and they are working on fixing it.
I am sorry for the inconvenience that this is causing.
Please be patient.
thanks for the quick reply, I'll continue to try periodically, meanwhile, I'll post a link to Facebook postings of it.
I have also had problems, will try again later, any chance we can have an all clear posted on this thread when the issue is resolved? that would save us the effort of attempting and faining to post something; a process I have run through several times before iI was smart enought to check this thread.
I am sorry that this is taking quite awhile to fix, but it is being worked on. Not only that, but there are other changes going on as well.
I have made a general thread announcement about what all is going on (as well as mentioning timeline).
Here is the thread:

Unfortunately, these things do take time. Please be patient.
Please report any and all glitches to me via P.M. (Personal Message), and do not correct the error. This will help us chase down the problem. About 1 year ago, a spammer posted some crap, and I noticed a weird looking Happy Face. That Happy face was almost 3 megs in size. Chock full of Happiness! Thank You, and remember, do NOT correct or delete any error (forum induced) or delete any double post, just send me a P.M., and copy and Paste the URL (address) in the P.M. so I can find it, otherwise the info is useless. Thanks. I think we're closing in. I haven't had any double posts the last day, so it may be over, over, ov... :)
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everytime I switch pages, my log in drops and I have to sign in again, sometimes the page freezes and I have to restart my browswer or my computer. this makes it impossible for me to keep a tab open and check the site every few minutes. that's about all , except that obviously sometimes we have lurkers here tha have their own agenda on things and cant keep politely to the rules of the forum. however, like the other issues, I feel that that is an outside influence and does not reflect on you or the rest of the members, like you said, we have to trim the spur when we find it.
yes I have been, that does help but it does not stay the issues/ however, the last few days have been significantly without issues.
"Search" function seems buggered. I have let "them" know. It comes up with an "Error" message for me.
the vast realms of the ''thems''. I want everyone to know how unhappy I am with windows 10. you cant update when you want, edge browser is ridicules, and took away functions that I used all the time. Microsoft essentials is unavailable now. probably why im being hacked to death. all the free stuff they offered had time limits and they run out and you can't go get new trial versions. I am seriously considering going back to windows 8.
I really like Windows 7. I can deal with Windows 8.1, but Windows 7 is really the one I like. I have no interest in Windows 10. I think that a lot of things that came free will end up being charged for.

I have found out that the "Search" function is down on other sites which is good news in a way. It means the fix should be easy as it was probably a mistake in the set up, and I imagine should be fixed soon. :)
I am using Win 10, and to date, I cannot complain too much.
But, I agree, I 'feel' better with Win 7.

And besides, that Win 10 is "Free," makes me nervous....... :watching:

In this day and age, everything has a price............:sour:
I don't like the "Everything is "Free" notion either. It's probably, everything is free for the life cycle, and that could be a year, then you pay a monthly fee for a cloud based O.S>, which I am not interested in. The day I can run Rhino on Android or some other software )not anything by Apple though, as I build my own computers) then I will go to it. I can't run it on Linux, Windows is it, and the Apple version of Rhino sucks, because of Apples software limitations, and it is software limitations , as Apple runs on P.C. platforms now. So there is no fanboy Apple argument, Apple sucks.

What I will do is if I get into a situation where Windows 8.1 runs out, and Win 10 is it., I will build a computer with Windows 7 or 8.1, just before the service upgrades stop, and that computer will never see the internet. It will be a computer dedicated to CAD and I will load everything through CD's, DVD's, or memory sticks. I have a 256Gig Memory stick. That is more than enough for anything I need to transfer. I'll just scan it first before I load it into the isolated computer.
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You could always switch to a Linux system for surfing. I still have my Win XP for some older programs on an older machine and have Win 8.1 on the one I am currently using. ;)

I advise anyone who is considering to upgrade (?) to Win 10 to make a full backup of the whole PC first. Win 10 allows the user to return to the state before the upgrade for a few weeks. If you have a full backup on your HDD of your working Win 7 / 8 system you are free to return to that version anytime, even if the "official" return feature has expired. That gives you some advantage in case the new OS should get expensive in the future. :)
I've been DONE with bloody FB for nearly a year now. :mooner::finger:
But, Google, FarceBook, whatever, you can't get away from it..........:grumpy:
But, anyway, lets not start on this subject ...... :meh:
And besides, I have a REAL life, not a virtual one ....... :biggrin:

I have noticed another issue with the Resource section. Everytime I run a search I'm getting a message:

"The following error occured: The search could not be completed. Please try again later."

I don't know if it's only me so it would be great if someone could verify that, please. :)
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I am having the same problem with the search engine when I try to search the forum for build threads or on my profile page searching for all the threads started by me.