Piper Cub J3


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
Pacifica, Ca.
I have been working on a Piper Cub for some time now. Doing and redoing the parts. Well today with a lot of help the windows are donw which was a major hurtle. A friend told me about a special glue he used and it did the trick. Formula 560 Canopy Glue which I got at a hobby store. Just cut the piece your working on, glue the surface and stick it to the plastic. I placed it on parchment paper so it wouldn't stick to it and another on top. Place a few heavy books and go work on something else. Nothing to it. I hope this helps someone else with the same problems. wc


  • Piper Wind shield 001.jpg
    Piper Wind shield 001.jpg
    89.5 KB · Views: 24
Looks really good. I look forward to seeing the rest of the model! :)