Paragons Models

All of Paragon's Star Trek Models are now available in the DOWNLAOD Section.

I am now working on the rest of his collection.

I really like his revamped Runabout and how he has made it comparable with the old runabout's modules. I think this is in keeping with the Star Trek design aesthetic of modular parts and interchangeability of designs. However his have not succumbed to the oft over use, over reach and over-the-top fan designs so prevalent on fan-art pages. His works are fantastic, but that one model sums up his abilities and talents completely.
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WooHoo!! I enjoy his models. It seems that there are so many models, or even sites that I can't find any more. Thank you Paragon and Rhaven Blaack for the generosity.
Cool, he makes very clean models. Will he be here for some Q&A? Built his 2009 Enterprise, Daedalus and Prometheus models in the past.
Definitely for Star Trek fans. Some I have not seen elsewhere.
Venture scout, Jem Hadar Attack Ship, and some Cardassian ones as well.

And if you are like me and like shuttles there is only a dozen or so .... Lol
Truly exciting news! I look forward to building some of Paragon's Trek models in the future. Great collaboration! Thank you Paragon and Rhaven Blaack!
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