P-51D "Petie" 1:33 Halinski

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For wheels I have used 1mm paperdisks glued together and grinded to the right shape.
wow..... speechless... i will imitate as such. another question oh great one (lol) how do you take your pictures. all i have is a 3.2 MP sony cybershot. your photos look quite impressive.
Errrr .. another question. how do you get a card model to "not look like card? exactly how do you coat it. can you use some spray or something?

didnt get that memo....tsk tsk.

The camera I use is a Canon Ixus 500, so thats not very fancy or very good.
Just beware of having enough light for the shots :)

To make a model not look like card.....I don't know. I'm not doing anything special to my models.The only thing I do is coloring the white edges where I make the cut.I don't use sprays or anything else.

I know there are some that uses some varnish spray. But thats only for kits printed at home to prevent the ink to smear. I only build kits that is preprinted from the publisher, so smearing ink is no issue.
Continued work on the plane today. I'm home with some broken ribs....and today the pain was manageable.I had a crash on my bicycle and the tarmack is very hard when you hit it at 35km/hr....

But onto the build!!

Details on the landing gear.The part is the one at the tip of the Exel #11 blade.6 of that part was to be small hinges at the compression cylinder at the legs.

Landing gear done.
Front and rear side

Canopy is done.

I also started to do the fairings (was that the correct name?) And the guns are done on both side. Did I overdoe the gunsmoke leftover sliding along in the wind effect??

Hepp hepp!!
Got the fairings done today :)

Now I can see the end of this build getting a bit closer.When the wings are done....only the rest left!
Tremendous freaking work. the wheels are incredible!! will change the blade now that i see your results. back to my Ta-152.

J .... i also love the wheel well.

Cheers on your excellent workmanship.
That's an awesome build so far! I recommend you use chalk pastels to produce good weathering effects. Don't get oil pastels because they just smear. Grind up the pastels and us a Q-tip to brush them on. It will look spectacular on this model!
I have tried chalk pastels but the paper is too glossy.Nothing really sticks to it.
So I will experiment a bit with the weathering effects.
So there was the day that the "petie" should up on her wheels.

The rear wheel

The landing gear and one of the wheelwells covers are in place.
Also the typical air inlet and the two hatches on the rear part.

Seen from Down under
Finished a few details here and there.

The bombholder

The antennas.

Some small parts on the wings

It seems like the guys have a nice talk before the mission starts
I have tried chalk pastels but the paper is too glossy.Nothing really sticks to it.
So I will experiment a bit with the weathering effects.

In that case oil pastels rubbed on a Q-tip will work. The reason I suggested chalk is that it produces a finer powder and is easier to control, but if it doesn't work then oil pastels should. I've used them to touch up photo-paper before, so you shouldn't have a problem. If that still doesn't work, rough up the surface first with a stiff toothbrush. That'll give it some 'tooth' to grip to. After you apply it, seal it with Future and paint some dull-coat on the smoke effects to taste.

I finished her today!

This was my first halinski kit, and it was just great to build. Fit is very very good.Print is very very good. Instructions are good.
But enough talk.....time to start a new model!!

Wow! This came out great! I knew YOU wouldn't have any trouble building a Halinski. The shiny paper scares me too, but you did a fine job keeping the slobber away from the outer surfaces. This makes me want to build Halinski's Big Beautiful Doll.

Nice Job!

(nice background too)

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