Out of action for a while


Jul 17, 2008
Goulburn, NSW, Australia
I've got to go into hospital for some major back surgery later this week and I'll be out of action for a while :(. So apologies if anyone wonders why I'm not posting replies over the next few weeks.
Hello Bruce,

I hope that everything goes well and that you will get back to modeling as fast as possible. Thank you for the note.

Take care and get well soon!

Marcell :)
I am sorry that you have to go through back surgery. I hope that the surgery goes well and that you make a strong and speedy recovery.
Both you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope for a fast a recovery, expect a lot of pain though, so if it's less, you'kk be ahead of the game, if it hurts a ot, you know it's normal. I wish you the best of luck and quality care. ;)
The surgery was successful but an infection has complicated the recovery. I'm still in hospital but reasonably comfortable (wow do they have some great drugs for painkillers these days). It will be quite a few months before I get out of rehab (for my back, not the drugs! I have to learn how to walk again!)
For the technically inclined, I'm now fused from T4 down to S2.
For the non-technically inclined, be grateful you don't understand .
Will keep you posted (pun intended).
I am glad to hear that you made it through the surgery! I hope that you make a strong and speedy recovery. I also hope that your rehab goes well for you!
Concentrate on healing. We will always be here!

God to hear from you. I hope you will recover without any extra issues.
Great to hear that the surgery went well. A year ago they cut me open and yes, I did not feel any pain at all. However, moving was a big issue. I thought I could make use of the time by doing some work on the computer, but I could not sit properly which made every operation an endeavour. Bottom line: it is best to get (and of course stay) healthy. I wish you a speed recovery, Bruce! :)
Thanks everybody for your good wishes and support. I've been in rehab for the last few weeks learning to walk again (and learning quite a few other things too). But I finally escape to home tomorrow, Friday 2nd Sept, where the healing process should be able to complete in its own sweet time but in comfort. (My dear wife actually brought me in a couple of takeaway meals to relieve the tedium of hospital fare. Real food will be most welcome!)
I still have a long, long road to travel but I relish the UGears Hexapod and Cobra kits waiting for me. I'll do build threads on them but it may be a slow process (as everything is just now!) as even sitting typing this is taxing my back.
Thanks again everybody. Will be in touch again 'real soon now'.
My whole Lumber Spine is made of Inter-body Titanium cages. It took me weeks before I could walk acros the room, a year before I could walk down the small road in front of my huse and back. I still have trouble walking, the nerve damage was already done, so the operation was to save what I had. The pain, well that never really went away. What I got back was the ability to walk, drive a car, motorcycle, fly airplanes again (though it was really hard to climb up the wing to get into the Pipers I flew. Your on a long journey, but things will get better. No one ever comes back from this kind of surgery to where they were. The trick is to know your limits, don't let anyone push you harder than you know is your limit, and try to maintain what you have. :)
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L5-S1 is my weak point. 3 surgeries, 2 rods, mote steroid shots than I can count, and in 2020 I asked for an ADA accommodation at work. They put me out to pasture at 55, a master plumber with 30+ years experience... Luckily in the midst of Covid 19, the SSA changed thier approach to new disability claims, and I only had to wait 6 months to get approved.
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My brother Dale was put on his back for six weeks with no probable cause, it was horrendous to listen as he got up for the toilet shouting every obscenity under the sun!

Wish you speedy recovery and a fine bill of health at the end...