O to On30 Diesel Conversion?

Some food for thought or a picture is worth a thousand calories :mrgreen:

Couple lousy pics of one of my 0n30 critters :D



What it is/was.

Loco is based on the KATO HO scale NW2(Athearn SW-7 bluebox loco would work too).The walkway and steps are scratchbuilt,while the cab is a modified Bachmann 0n30 steamer cab.

The single exhaust stack is a cut down drinking straw.I made cab doors .but I just can't seem to talk myself into installing them.Future plans call for a rear headlight and working ditchlights on both ends (this part of the Grande Valley Railway is a modern day narrowgauge railroad)
look just super well done
TO me the o scale body are to big for on30 and the S scale standard gauge body are about just right size for ON30 .i build all mt on30 item like car engine and building in S scale .You can see one of my scratch build truss bridge here http://www.zealot.com/forum/showthread.php?t=169191

S scale rolling stock is close enough to "get away with" using it for On30, and perhaps even the loco bodies.....except for the cab. It is O scale, and O scale people "live" in the buildings, and operate the locos, "from inside the cab". Even the prototype narrow gauge equipment makes allowances for the size of the people.
Just a thought. It is those "allowances for people" that make narrow gauge equipment " distinctive ".
S scale rolling stock is close enough to "get away with" using it for On30, and perhaps even the loco bodies.....except for the cab. It is O scale, and O scale people "live" in the buildings, and operate the locos, "from inside the cab". Even the prototype narrow gauge equipment makes allowances for the size of the people.
Just a thought. It is those "allowances for people" that make narrow gauge equipment " distinctive ".
Yes that sound right but i use 1.64 scale people with my on30 not the 1.48 size if u take a o scale shay to a on30 shay u see the different the 1.48 is to over size for
I have to say, I was stunned by the dissimilarities between the sizes of the different Bachmann engines. I realize that each model was based off of a different prototype owned by different railroads (and which ran on different gauged track?), but it seemed like you could almost group the 2-6-0, 4-6-0, 2-8-0, 2-4-4 and the shay into one group, and the 4-4-0 and 2-6-6-2 into another. The 4-4-0 was puny - and by that I mean that it could almost have passed for a large HO engine- and the same thing goes for the 2-6-6-2, which might have been two inches longer than the 2-8-0, and appeared to be at least an inch shorter in height. The cab heights were the biggest issue for me - while I could accept that the boiler and frame length on the 4-4-0 and 2-6-6-2 might be small by comparison, the cab sizes almost looked like they were a different scale from On30 - and it's not like the 2-8-0's cab isn't already cramped for 0-scale figures