
Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
Wow! I'm popping with ideas after Westercon science fiction convention art show. I did't have any sales but I've got ideas of how to change that. My prices were too high, and the pieces too small. Also the lighting was bad. So I'm going bigger for starters. Also it seems that people in Denver don't relate to fishing boats or NOAA fish cop boats, so I'll keep the boats for Alaska.
My top idea is to do only the arctic region of the globe with a satellite--NOAA-19, one of the two NOAA satellites going over the poles. Here is the front and back of the map/globe. I'm still painting in the mountains. I started this immediately and carried it around with me at the convention.
20180714_143138 (2).jpg 20180714_143143 (2).jpg


Here is an image of NOAA-19. I'll do it small and maybe use gold leaf for that added sense of value.
I think a light inside one of these would make for an awesome decoration. ;)
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:) I've got some with lights inside. I've also been buying lights to use. I think a stickup light would work with this one.
Have you built satellites? I think I recall someone here building them, but I couldn't seem to find the thread.
Lots of people here have built satellites, and there are many available. ;)