Nezard J10 test built

Sorry for the lack of pictures so far, I can't get my computer to pull them off the camera.

Construction is currently nearing completion, the vertical stabilizer is nearly complete, and should be attached later today. Then I'll assemble the canopy (I'm going to try to use plastic sheet).

Since I elected not to attach the landing gear (I prefer "in-flight" models), I'll construct them separately to test them out. I've been debating modifications to allow folding gear instead, but I'll have to assemble them normally first.

Construction so far is going well, the parts fit as they should. Some techniques could be suggested in the instructions to make assembly easier, steps that the parts allow for easily (like constructing an entire wing before attaching it at the root).

I haven't looked at the new instructions yet, but I hope they include the minor pieces (landing lights, etc) since these were a mystery to me for awhile until I figured out what they were for.

Once again, my fingers are not as accurate as I'd like, and the model is a little sloppy, I'll probably cover it with re-prints on normal paper, to make everything look better.
Paragon: thanks for the comments, I'll make instructions on the landing gears more detailed. As to optional parts:
1, I'll clearly mark out and indicate gear up/down versions.
2, Just to make things clear, I'll remove the no-cockpit version ( cockpit is compulsary...) If you have any better ideas please shout.
For the wings, I found in the testbuild that if there are no spar joining them to the fuselage then they had no strength at all, so I suggest the wing to be constructed on the fuselage. (If you have better ideas...)
smole progres and tip

i think is the best to print the disk part on 98% it slide mach more good
hi to all

sorry for the long time i just lost my pc 3 weeks+- ago and now its work and all ok

i not forgot and the model progres slowly but good

for now we have 60% of the fishleg will install the camera softwer and make some pic :)