new problems posting pictures

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Moderator "Where am I, and how did I get here?"
Staff member
Jul 12, 2012
Shannon GA
I've tried multiple times to post pictures directly to the forum in the same size format and pixel count as I always do and have not been able to.

is this a glitch or something I'm doing wrong?

I've tried resizing the photos, the are now only 1024X768 pixels 344kb and still won't upload
Confirmed, I can't drag and drop either. Same old problem has cropped back up.
I have contacted @cg admin about this and requested them to look into this.
You can still upload photos through the "image" feature from a photo hosting site.
Now you're talking above my pay grade... what is an image hosting site? and how does one use them?
Drag & drop does not work on my end, too. :(
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DO NOT USE ANY IMAGE HOSTING SERVICE!!!! This screws up threads and I have to then repair the thread. I am sure this will be fixed soon. Last time this happened, a few threads ended up with no pictures. Either the link changed, or there was something else that did not allow the picture to tie into the hosting service. I deleted those threads. If it isn't fixed soon, this policy will change, but it just started, and it's the weekend. Give them a chance to fix it. O.K.? Thanks.
Pictures are able to be posted again! Thanks Sanjay and the CG Admin team for jumping on this!! ;)

My 1986 Champion LaSalle.jpg
It's working again! THANK YOU ALL! :)

EDIT: No, it doesn't... :(
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This will happen periodically as memory is needed to be increased. This website is owned and not hosted by some huge outfit,like "Go Daddy" etc.. They own their servers, and all the related hardware. It will happen now and then, then be fixed.
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