New posts button problems


Apr 23, 2006
Kent, England
How can I stop the new posts button bringing up threads that have not been updated but contain unread messages. I find this a bit pointless because they are unread because they did not interest me.
Once you have read all the posts that interest you, click on the 'quick links' button above and hit 'mark forums read'. This will 'clear the slate' so to speak and next time you hit 'new posts' it will only be new posts.
On a related note, has anyone else noticed that clicking the little down arrow "Go to first new post" button beside threads often puts you somewhere in the middle where you've already read? Could this be related to NOT clicking the 'mark forums read' option?

I have noticed that quite often I have about a two second delay when I click on that little button that it quickly oens the thread to a seemingly random spot then about 2 seconds later it goes to the post I am looking for. If i click somewhere on the page it seems to stop the transfer to the proper spot. Course it could be my imagination too.

Dan's suggestion is about all I have to offer up right now. I cant find any personal settings that would affect this behavior for showing the extra posts. Personally I like it because I dont always have time to read them all at once.
Rick - I haven't had that issue, and I even read the forum on 2 separate computers and it seems to keep everything even between the 2 of them. I'm sure it has to do with what it thinks you have and haven't read though, so it might be fixed by using the 'mark forums read' button - not sure.
thanks, i was having the same problem, I left the page a few times and refreshed, then thought to do a search. thanks for the help.