New member coming from the RPF

Sorry for the delay in replies.

I'm in Australia and we just got hit with a major lockdown due to Covid and I have been running around trying to support family.

For those of you interested in using a laser to cut up some paper models, I will be working on a video and walkthrough very soon, but till then, I thought I might share with you a modelling project that used my laser set up to help with making paint masks.


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Reactions: Rhaven Blaack
Wow... that is an amazing piece of work!
Some people might think that paper models are for kids, but that is truly a piece of art!


Too right you are. I have had many people ask me why I do not make "REAL" models. In response, I ask they what is the definition of a "REAL" model. They always say that it is anything that is made of either plastic or resin. Then I have to correct them by saying that a model is a miniature representation of a person place or thing (regardless of the medium). So, YES, a model that is made of paper/cardstock is in fact a "REAL" model. Not only that, but there are MANY paper/cardstock models that will rival (and in many cases surpass) PLAMOs.
With that being said, YES, I do prefer paper/cardstock models over PLAMOs. However, I am not a purest when it comes to the medium. I believe that if you enjoy building models, it really does not matter the medium, so long as you are having fun in building and you like the outcome of what you have built, that is all that really matters.