New Convert to On30


New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Hi all, well after collecting allot of "n" scale stuff and a few "HO" things I think I have made the jump to On30. I got one of the Bachman sets and I love it. It moves slower and not as smooth as my Kato "N" scale stuff, but I cannot take my eyes off of this stuff going around even on a small oval. I am really looking forward to building some old time cattle and logging cars. I have a question about "trucks" I know that some people run "HO" trucks but to me this seams like they are too small. More than once I have compaired the "HO" to the "On30" trucks on the Bachmans. Just seams like a big difference to me. With that in mind it looks like a set of trucks will cost me about $10.00 per car. still have to get couplers and build the car. Am I missing something?

All for now I think

thanks for any replies/ideas.

Having dreams of a shay with sound climbing a steep grade in the near future.
You're better off with the On30 trucks. Kadee #5 couplers wil work just fine, you can mount those at standard HO coupler height ( Bachmann stuff has the couplers at this height), or at the standard height for 3' gauge equipment.(cut the pads off the bachmann cars and remount the couplers just under the floor)
Welcome to the Dark Side........................You have been assimilated!!

I am really looking forward to playing with this size. I have a couple of the Bachman sets and cannot wait to start building my own rolling stock.

Just looking for some cheap trucks/wheel if possible.

thanks for the replies
The January 1997 issue of RMC has a nice article on scratch building a
SR&RL flat car in On2. Checking out the size of the car, at 6'6" wide
and 33' long, it seems like it would fit in nicely with the Bachmann
freight cars. It also seems to be fairly straight forward in building it too. Another thing about those flat cars, they make nice starting points for gondolas and can have tanks mounted for an old time tank car.

I have a few of the bachman flat cars, I was planning on using them for a starting point for most types of cars. I can see building old livestock cars, flats, gondolas (sp?), work caboose, ect, ect from that same base.
John, I reccomend subscribing to the Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette.
Also, if you will be doing a Logging line, Timber Times is a good one.

The plans and Idea's these 2 magazines provide will give you many hours of enjoyment modeling fun unique character filled rolling stock.
And, you get some pretty dang good reading as a bonus!!! :)