My work on an Upcoming Low Budget Sci Fi Movie


Active Member
Oct 25, 2021
It's been awhile since I have participated here, sorry for that. I do some lurking, but I had to stop paper modeling so I could handle some effects and props for an upcoming low budget science fiction film. I made a set piece with a controller for a spaceship's bridge, one of the on-screen prop weapons and a giant, lumbering alien robot.
Also, my health issues sometimes make it really hard to do much precision cutting and gluing. That really gets to me sometimes. I know plenty of people here have experienced the same things, so I won't harp on it. I hope to return one day.
Good to hear from you again. Good luck with shooting your movie if you can share a sneak peak with us I would love to see what you are making.
I am glad to see that you are back. I wish you the very best of luck with the movie project. I hope all goes well with it. I have to agree with @mijob if you can share with us, a sneak peak or a trailer (or even the final film), that would be great!
I hope that your health issues ae resolved and you can continue to do what you enjoy doing.
I have always enjoyed what you do with your modeling, and it's good to see your posts again.
Sounds very interesting! :)
Hello Cory, great to see you again! :)

I'd love to see the finished product. If you have a chance (and the permission of the film producers, of course), please show us some pictures of the props.

Btw, how is Twiki doing? ;)
Very cool! I'll be watching it once it's ready! :)

Are you in front or behind the camera only?
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