My first build is finally done. Whew!


New Member
Jan 12, 2014
Wilmington, NC
Wow! I was finally able to complete my first Build. Between my grand children (toddler and infant) I have had next to no time, but After sacrificing sleep here and there I was able to get it done. The model is of a Warthog from the Halo Franchise and I believe the Author is RCPTTO, but i' not sure. I really learned a lot during the build especially how important it is to plan your build in advance instead of just to start gluing things together. I was planning on building the Tie Interceptor by UHU02 next, but after reviewing the amount of detail involved I have come to the conclusion that I am not ready for that one yet, but it is on my list. I will get to it though. I am so excited and proud of my first build. photo.JPG photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 4.JPG photo 5.JPG photo 6.JPG
Thanks for the kudos guys. I'm proud of the builds. I think the reason it came out so well is because I spend every chance I get on Zealot reading all the posts and taking in all the advice given by the members to each other. You guys have given me a lot of inspiration to try and do a good job. So Thank you to you guys for all the support.
Do you plan to paint it or just leave it blank? Looks awesome! Lol my first builds were AWFUL. THis is amazing for a first build. You've got some talent

I put some real thought into whether I paint it or not, and the not won the debate. I really like it this way. I am going to eventually build a fiberglass case for it though.
I have been thinking on scratch building this model also. I have a model of it and will use it as a base for the build. Yours came out exceptionally well. Thanks for sharing.
I have been thinking on scratch building this model also. I have a model of it and will use it as a base for the build. Yours came out exceptionally well. Thanks for sharing.

I'd really like to see a scratch build done. I can't wait to see it progress from beginning to end.
My son (14 years old) just looked at this and said, "Holy Sh*t!". I said "I know, this is freakin' cool!! :)
My son (14 years old) just looked at this and said, "Holy Sh*t!". I said "I know, this is freakin' cool!! :)

thanks for the Kudos Zathros. I just printed out the Voyager by Michelle along with a Batman figure from Ninjatoes to tackle with my nephew, but I think I will tackle the Halo Pelican by VFR to keep with the Halo Theme. I have to thank you though. I try to read all new posts in order to keep from going crazy when I'm with the grand kids (all day, every day) and your advice to others actually helped guide me in many aspects of the build. Thank you.
I don't feel I actually contribute much. People here are building so much, it is something I just can't do anymore. I get my inspiration from them, and people like you. It's kind of funny, maybe that's the mechanism which makes people supporting each other work. We all get inspiration from each other, the sum of the individuals forms this network of support. It seems obvious when stated, but the reality of it in such a divisive world is something quite different. We support each other, all of us, and are the better for it. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? I'm 57 and though I can understand the reasons why people are divided, I can't understand why some people work against fixing it.

I look forward to your future work with great enthusiasm. I have a couple of projects on the burners, one Sci-Fi, one not. Hopefully, I can wrap the designs up, build them, and get them uploaded. I'm flattered that you find anything I write useful. I try, (mostly by patrolling the forum from Spammers, etc.) I do help people with their designs, though not so much lately. I think it's time for me to put some work out. :)