My drawings

what types of pencils do you use?
Good question - please see my photo with my materials:
from above:
a blender (to blend the dark parts),
normal pencil (for the first draft and for some details),
cretacolor drawing pencil - extrasoft (for all dark parts) (,
fineliner black or edding black (for deep black parts)
white edding or white pencil (for extra white parts - usage depends on the underground),
erasers (one for fine lines one for bigger parts),
estompe (for getting smooth transitions)
brush (to keep the drawing clean)
cotton ball and some fine cleaning rag (for getting smooth transitions)
sandpaper (to sharpen the eraser or the estompe

Thats it, i think.
I also tried with colours, but I was not succsessful. So, KUDOS to you for making your drawings using colours. I like them.


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stars of 2012 and 2013 - only few, ha? - 2013 I started with papercrafts and 2012 we had a difficult year - so time was barely for drawing.
(by the way not all drawing are worth to be shown)


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  • 2012 WICKIE.jpg
    2012 WICKIE.jpg
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  • 2013 AUDREY HEPURN I.jpg
    2013 AUDREY HEPURN I.jpg
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  • 2013 GRANPA MUNSTER.jpg
    2013 GRANPA MUNSTER.jpg
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  • 2013 KIRK UND SPOCK 2.jpg
    2013 KIRK UND SPOCK 2.jpg
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  • 2013 TERENCE UND BUD.jpg
    2013 TERENCE UND BUD.jpg
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They all look great! Have to agree with Rhaven when it comes to favorites except I would add the Duke. Can't wait to see Leia.
Not to be pervy, but do you do nudes? Studying anatomy really helps, (I',m sure you have), doing the whole person helps with proportion. Other body parts, like hand studies, arm with hand, etc, can help with detail. :)
Not to be pervy, but do you do nudes? Studying anatomy really helps, (I',m sure you have), doing the whole person helps with proportion. Other body parts, like hand studies, arm with hand, etc, can help with detail. :)
Nude pictures need not be necessarily pervy - there are beautiful act photos which are far away from pervy.
But to answer your question - yes I do also nudes and many other hings beside portraits. I do drafts in my sketchbook, where full persons or only one eye or a table, a hand, spiderman, yoda, a part of a lake.....many different things are in.
Rhaven and I have been contemplating a way to make a forum for "Mature" people. I have some paper model concepts I have been working on, they are risque, but not pervy, well, maybe a bit, but it depends how you look at it. They are build ups, and while flat, look extremely 3 dimensional, and in fact are. The hair on one model, though flat, was 2 mm's thick. There were around 30 pieces that made up all the hair parts alone. I don't find people perverted. Of course, you know perverted stuff when you see it. Not sure how to go about this, or if we even can. :)
You are right, the same thing for some might be pervy for some not. Human body itself is a beautiful creation, but some views of it can make the picture of it pervy.
What is pervy? For some pictures it is clear for some there different opinions would exist.
The idea to make a forum for mature people is an interesting idea, but from my point of view a difficult topic, where also legal aspects have to be respected.
I really don't find drawing nude pictures as pervy. it allows the artist to learn how to depict fluent movement and basic human anatomy.
then again, if you look like this guy

I think its about time for someone to notify the police and keep all children indoors
That is funny!! :)
I hope you're taking advantage of the Gallery to post all your works. They are quite extraordinarily excellent. You might want to place a watermark of some sort, even if hidden in the scalp or some otherwise unnoticed place, like a peace of jewelry, or in a shadow. :)