my artwork

another drawing made in school. meet my representation of what a 2014 baragon might look like. there's actually very little to change. baragon had a body plan very close to suiting the legendary trilogy. but I manage to make some changes. I made the feat graviportal for weight baring. I also given it enlarged claws on all fingers to suggest it as a strong digger like the old incarnation as well as giving it a large amount of bulk. I made the teeth interlock and made the entire face look sort of like a rauisuchian. of course with some baragon traits as well. just a bit spikier
height( standing upright): 320 ft tall
weight: 60,000 tons
abilities: extremely armored and surprisingly fast, he can charge at full speed and impale objects/ or enemies with his vertically tandem horns. he can also use his claws and jaws to scratch and bite. his special ability is firing a large burst of radioactive flames from his mouth over a short distance
this is not the same gorosaurus we all used to knew. he's been legendary-ized into a massive, multi thousand ton monstrosity. king kong ain't got sh%t on this guy

this is my representation of gorosaurus that might fit the new trilogy. again, with their presented size, graviportal feet are a must with these kaiju design. I made the thighs very elongated compared to the original design. this would anatomically increases his stride length, therefore making him comparatively faster then other kaiju.i would also imagine this leg design would also allow him to arch forward into a theropod like running style at top speed.
in the name of accuracy, I must say this would NOT be a theropod- like kangaroo wannabe if ever portrayed in the new trilogy. instead of a gravity defying tail standing kick, I had another idea. one that could possibly go with all the anatomy changes I made to the design with it's elongated legs and a thick tail base for powerful muscle attachments, he would learch forward at top speed and ram his opponent with a devastating amount of force.

king kong. i'm sorry. but your done for if he desides to seek revenge

height:360 ft
weight: 60,000 tons
abilities: no special abilities. he can, however, ram his opponents at devastating force. he would also use his jaws to grab his opponent and manipulatete it into a position to kick it down. it would even use it's enlarged claws on it's rather reminiscent arms to help further injury. once he has the enemy down, he would procede to kick it to death as well as using it's massive jaws to disembowel it fatally.
tail whipping is also another fighting strategy it uses
we all know anguirus. possibly the second most recognizable kaiju of the Godzilla franchise, anuirus is just asking to be "legendary-ized."
very little is needed to change anguirus design. I changed the feet design, and pronounced the dorsal spikes in size a bit. those are the two major changes I made to his design.
size:400 feet tall( bipedal stance)
weight: 45,000 tons
abilities: not special abilities. he's just overall built like a tank. using his spikes and clubbed/ spiked tail to collide and smash objects and opponents to the ground. his massive jaws are also something he would implement. this kaiju design is also relatively agile cause of his low center of gravity. making him able to make quick pivoting turns compared to other kaiju.
an irritator lunges at a Anhanguera that came to take a drink. irritator was another Brazilian spinosaurine spinosaurid that could of obtain the same body platform as it's far larger relatives. it's also known for being capable of predating on pterosaurs. being that one of it's teeth were found lodged in the vertebral column of a pterosaur.
WOW. this thread has over 4,000 views. I would again like to thank everyone who took their valuable time out of their lives and decide to glance at and comment on my drawings. it is truly influential to me. as my interest in paleontology increase, I am glad to have been able to display my drawings to you all.
thank you all in advance
probably the strangest spinosaurid to date. characterized by a deep depression where the dorsal vertebrae meets the sacral vertebrae. Ichthyovenator was a small spinosaurid that lived in the early cretaceous. it was classified as a baryonychine, but with our new understanding of spinosaurine physiology, ichthyovenator's identity is coming into question. it actually seems closer to spinosaurines then what we originally participated.
i'm alive
yes, this is suppose to be gabara. in my defense, I drew this in school with no reference at all. and I forgot specifically how gabara face looked

so I sort of winged it. I think this is my most radical redesign out of all my 2014 recreations.
this took the entire school day to finish. again, graviportal feet, a bit more bulky. i'm a bit 50/50 about liking this picture or not.

size: 500 ft
weight:100,000 tons
special abilities: can produce an electrical charge that leads directly to the arm. gabaras fighting style is very similar to bears, in which he would wrestle down (with the aid of electrocution) his opponents and brutally beat them until death occurs. it is believed that electric charges and emp attacks are able to momentarily disable another monsters ability to use their special abilities( atmic fire, nuclear pulse, etc)
based on the new uncovered bones, I give you my representation of our toothless, 12 meter long, feathered, horse- headed, humped back goose with nine foot arms. in shorter terms, Deinocheirus

new recent discovery shows that it had a much deeper mandable then previously though. as well as evidence of a pygostyle. which means it could of supported a fan of feathers on its tail. what's also interesting is evidence of piscivorous activities. so evidently, deinocheirus was more of an omnivore. being able to take in plants and any animals that could of fit into it's mouth. as well as swallowing gastroliths to help grind up tough vegetation in their bellies.
a couple of sketches I made during school. this is what happens when you have a substitute for two classes
. as you can see, its just a variety of sketches of birds. starting at the left hand side, its a microraptor head
next it a Changyuraptor yangi landing on a tree.
then its a xenicibis smashing a snakes skull in ith its winged clubs
then its a large Phorusrhacid of some sort.
then its a teratornis resting on a branck
next is a haast's eagle head
and finally, just a random cursorial birds foot.
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This looks great!

One suggestion regarding the glow / lightning effect on Gabara's hand: When you roughly hint at the effect you might achieve a more dynamic result. Just take a look at the explosion and squib effects in my comic trailer to see what I mean:

(pages 11 ff.)

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this is siats meekerorum. a large neovenatorid theropod dinosaur known from the Late Cretaceous at this time, tyrannosaurs were small and insignificant compared to this monster. theres only one specimen. and it was only a juvenile, yet would of already measured over 9 meters. hypothetically speaking, adults could of hit 12 meters in length. at such size, it would of outcompeted the tyrannosaurs and remained alpha predator, keeping tyrannosaurs from progressively becoming more diverse.