My action figure customs

Hey, you have the palace, too! This was THE highlight for me last year. When I opened the box I felt like Xmas, Easter and birthday happened simultaneously. I can't remember when something blew me away like this one did. It almost brought me to tears and made me feel like a 6-year-old again, yaknow, then, when I saw the truckloads of Jabbas and X-Wings at our local Woolworth. They got so much stuff that they had to put it on the floor. I was there almost every day to look at them. The figures were expensive here, 19.90 DM (10€) each for the regular ones and 9.90 DM (5€) for the half-sized ones like Wicket, Yoda and Jawa. You have to know that you got a full bucket of sweets for 1€ back then. ;)

BTW, I love the Dalek droid! I'd love to know how you made it. :)
I don't have room for all of the Palace, So I may sell off the other parts - nice as It is, I just wanted somewhere for Shand to sit...

Pick & Mix at Woolworths, classic! We had something similar for a couple of years in a shop called Wilco, sadly they shutdown last year, but another store here called B&M still do it -"yum-yum!"

As to the Dalek & also the Stormtrooper Astromech, they were made by 'tortuga_toys' on Instagram, a skilled chap called Roger Wayman makes all sorts of crazy R2 units.

I have two Imperial Ground Crew figures which I intend to turn into Troop Transport pilots. The idea came to me before they made the Juggernaut pilots. I thought they might fit in there nicely because of their size and helmet. I may change the leg position and their colours to do the job. :)
Well as you say, before the Juggernaght pilots came out I was going to adapt two AT-ST drivers
Yes, she was hard to get (pun intended! :cool: ). My plan was to get all Mando characters in TBS so I grabbed her as soon as she was available (pun NOT intended - you could tell otherwise though :noteeth: ). However due to the endless repacks the plan came to a screeching halt. Fortunately I was never a completionist so I only get what I like. I guess the palace opened my eyes and gave me a direction after 40 years of collecting. It's the weirdos and aliens which I prefer and which make a collection interesting.
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Those "Garage Models", and I don't know why they call them that, get really expensive, and incredibly erotic. There's a big market for them. The painting is the hard part. I've seen some that looked professional, and some that were ruined. :)
Those "Garage Models", and I don't know why they call them that, get really expensive, and incredibly erotic. There's a big market for them. The painting is the hard part. I've seen some that looked professional, and some that were ruined. :)
Just chiming in to answer your doubt or question. An FYI. ;)....

The reason they are called "garage model", actually they are "Garage Kits", is because they started out (and most are still) made in a person's garage shop and aren't big model manufactures (like Round-2, or Pegasus models) that started out as Garage Kitters. Small outfits that work/manufacture kits in their garages or personal shops.
I know this because I used to be one way back when...
Oh, very nice! I have a lot of respect for people who make their own kits using molds, resin and fibre glass. There is a lot of painstaking work involved, similar to creating a new paper model from scratch. What scale is it?
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Oh, very nice! I have a lot of respect for people who make their own kits using molds, resin and fibre glass. There is a lot of painstaking work involved, similar to creating a new paper model from scratch. What scale is it?
It's what we call in Trek modeling, The Sacred Scale, 1:2500. This model does not follow the "official Canon size". I personally do not agree with the give or take 750 meters length, Trekkers call the engine room the Brewery. LOL This Ent is a tad bigger than the refit and Ent - A.