My 3 pictures of 6069.

Hello Everyone. I found this site through a search for Engine 6069 and it came up with a link to this site and the "My 3 pictures of 6069"
We are currently forming a group together to look after the old girl and give her somewhat of a makeover. If anyone has any other photo's of old 6069 and would like to share them or would like to find out more, they can contact me at(
Hello Rob.
If someone had the money to do it then yes she could be returned to steam once again!
I seem to remember that some years back CN took 6060 and 6069 and bashed them together to make one runner and one display model.
Often restoring a park model means removing almost all the old material and replacing it with new.
Interesting. I had heard stories about that but when I contacted the group who owns 6060 they were not sure and would look into it.
engine6069, sounds good. I have some second hand experience with such dad co-founded a group that did the same thing...and spawned many similar groups across the country. I don't know the experience level of your group, so I'll presume you don't have prior experience with something like this.

For a full overhaul (which I get the impression you don't intend)
I would roughly estimate that you'd probably be looking at $400,000 worth of running gear well as plenty of boiler work (in the US you need to strip everything...and ultrasound test the boiler)....which would include repairing the boiler tubes, superheaters, possible firebox patches, and piping. One of the last steps in boiler work is hydrostatic testing. All of the appliances would need to be rebuilt. It probably needs a zillion new staybolts. The frame may have cracks/damage that needs repairs...and you can't know for certain that it's okay until the drivers are out. It appears that 6069 has been outside for decades, and it sounds like it's mostly worn out parts.

In short, focus on a cosmetic restoration unless you have experienced people in your group. There are many half apart locomotives in the US/Canada from unsuccessful restoration attempts. If you want to see her slowly & carefully. Bring in Scott Lindsey or Gary Bensman before ripping her apart...if you want to restore her to operation.

The single best thing you could do for her would be to get a roof over her, and maybe a wall to shield her from the north west. Working under a roof is far better than working under the rain.

Good luck! It's great to see local groups caring for their treasures!
Thanks NPK174.
Our aim is to have some repairs done and make her more secure than she is. Long term goal will be to get a building built or like you suggest even a shelter. There is no intent to return her to live condition again. However it is hoped that she can have some items working such as a whistle and bell etc.
Thanks NPK174.
Our aim is to have some repairs done and make her more secure than she is. Long term goal will be to get a building built or like you suggest even a shelter. There is no intent to return her to live condition again. However it is hoped that she can have some items working such as a whistle and bell etc.

Excellent! Hopefully a few big donors will come forward. TEA-21 funding here in the US has been a huge help for such things here in the US...I suppose there is some sort of equivalent for our fellow North Americans north of the border.
I seem to remember that some years back CN took 6060 and 6069 and bashed them together to make one runner and one display model.
Often restoring a park model means removing almost all the old material and replacing it with new.

In the '72 rebuild of 6060, a few items were borrowed from donor "U's" but not from 6069 and all parts save 1 have been returned, front truck #2 wheel set.

There is an important meeting next week about the train so I should have an update for you soon...


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