MRC decoders

easy solution

GREAT IDEA Andrew!:mrgreen: , and thats exactly what i did:thumb: , in fact, i done a whole tutorial on installing the Tsunami into my Proto Heritage Y-3 a couple months back:winki::mrgreen: .
Why do all of that work? You can cut the shrink wrap at wire end and you will find a 9 pin connector- just get a JST harness plug it in the Tsunami and the other end has the 8 pin connector. BTW there are several lengths of JST harness you can get. Then you all you ned to do is hook up the soeaker.
Deano,i agree with you 100 per cent,the Tsunami are hands down the best sound decoder on the Market.I've installed a lot of the MRC Brilliance Steam decoders only because a lot of people just look at the cost.I've seen a lot of things that the MRC decoders do like loose their memory from time,but that is in the way they are programed,and programing them properly is the most important part.The steam are the ones that are the hardest.I also agree the Diesel's are great without hardly any problems.Like i said before i've got a few MRC Steam and i've had no problems.The decoders i really have an issue with are the Lenz ,and i don't know why Lenz won't correct the problem.
Harold:wav: , THANK YOU for your last post:smilie: .

i wish i knew what the problem with the Lenz decoders was, more so how to fix them:winki: . Honestly, since i have been into DCC i have only tried four NON-sound decoders, they were all Digitrax, needless to say i wasn't very impressed with them. then i discovered sound:mrgreen: , since then the ONLY decoders i have bought have been sound decoders. the brands i use are MRC Brilliance, the line MRC has thats just below the Brilliance line, Loksound and Tsunami:thumb: . 95% of the sound decoders i have installed in my fleet, are pretty evenly split between MRC's top two lines, and Loksound:winki: .
Harold:wav: , THANK YOU for your last post:smilie: .

i wish i knew what the problem with the Lenz decoders was, more so how to fix them:winki: . Honestly, since i have been into DCC i have only tried four NON-sound decoders, they were all Digitrax, needless to say i wasn't very impressed with them. then i discovered sound:mrgreen: , since then the ONLY decoders i have bought have been sound decoders. the brands i use are MRC Brilliance, the line MRC has thats just below the Brilliance line, Loksound and Tsunami:thumb: . 95% of the sound decoders i have installed in my fleet, are pretty evenly split between MRC's top two lines, and Loksound:winki: .

The Lenz decoders have problems speed matching with decoders from other brands. Lenz, the company, and Atlas, aren't releasing the instructions on how to do it nor are they going to reveal how to RESET the decoder. They think it's going to ruin their buisness or something.
Lenz problems?

What decoder are you working with?
Most of the Lenz decoders I know of can be reset to factor defaults by using CV8 and setting it to 33.
Woodone, the ones i'am talking about are the ones installed in the Atlas engines.They also had a problem with induction,( meaning they would go crazy,loosing control and changing direction on their own ).Lenz was very aware of this problem and offered no quick fix.Someone Many many times smarter than myself,found that installing Ferritt Bead Inductors on the track feed wires corrected this problem.
Lenz-or Atlas problem

Makes for some interesting problems. Who's fault is this, Lenz or Atlas.
I would guess that Lenz is making the decoder for Atlas. Who's spec. are they using? Altas might be asking for some short cuts to cut cost?
Or did Lenz design the decoder and miss the boat. Eather way does not make the problem go away.
Makes for some interesting problems. Who's fault is this, Lenz or Atlas.
I would guess that Lenz is making the decoder for Atlas. Who's spec. are they using? Altas might be asking for some short cuts to cut cost?
Or did Lenz design the decoder and miss the boat. Eather way does not make the problem go away.

Lenz is the one making the fussy decoders. Atlas is just selling their stuff with them already installed. Lenz is not providing any fixes because they know that their decoders are faulty and hard to work with but they will always get buisness because people trust the Atlas brand. Hopefully these decoders don't bring Atlas down along with them.
I started with Digitrax and haven't had many problems except keeping up with the upgrades,i like their products.I also found that TCS has a great decoder and i've started using only TCS for just plain decoder installs without sound and haven't had 1 complaint about them.