MMU eva


Active Member
Jun 27, 2009
Here's a shot of a model I recently almost finished,I added the control arms as the original didnt come with them !
I molded them from resin taking 3 attempts before I was happy,
I've still got to add a couple of decals,but need the printer decal paper first,
I think the Astronaut suit is a bit too dirty (almost like a lunar eva)
Its 14cm tall,
But so far I'm happy
Interesting. A big of file and sanding, to sharpen up some areas, and Some paint work, and it will really POP! :)
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Photo's really do show the errors,not take long to sort,
Loved doing it
I didn't know that was resin, I'm even more impressed. I might have used fingernail paint for the Gold Shiled, that stuff dries so even and smooth. I have moved tis thread to the "Resin" section. :)
I didn't know that was resin, I'm even more impressed. I might have used fingernail paint for the Gold Shiled, that stuff dries so even and smooth. I have moved tis thread to the "Resin" section. :)
Thanks, I never thought of gold nail polish
I steal my wife's chemicals. The Black stuffis great for repairing black keyboards buttons. :)
I would take a fie point Sharpie pen and start separating parts, like the glove joints, and other seams. You can go on line and see with i mean. It would bring this guy to life, he looks like he's covered in frost, Resing models really need detailing once you get the hard part done. Did you make the mold for this? :)
Nope I bought the main figure on Ebay,but it didn't have the control arms,
So I moulded those,
I've been filing down and having a look online,
The model is 3d printed,
I've always wanted one of the EMU astronaut's and would consider molding a full version of the one I bought