Miniature Machining

Thank you for the photos sumpter250. That looks really nice as it is now but I also look forward to seeing the completed module. I think it`s going to be really great. Are you going to light structures, vehicles, whatever so you can also create the nighttime dockside atmosphere.
Cheers from the Heart of the Continent
In the several shipyard overhauls I went through, there wasn't a whole lot of activity around the drydock after the shipyard workers left at 17:00. On the other hand, it was nice to have some quiet, after a day of pneumatic tool noise.
The module is on hold for the time, as I am researching, and building details for the ship. When I get the 40mm mounts primed I'll post photos. I'm in the middle of research on the MK106, 5" twin BOMROC launchers. I have to replace all eight of them.......the kit blobs just don't have any detail!
Hello sumpter250. It seems you'll have a lot of work ahead of you just to get ahold of the BOMROC data. I'd never encountered it before and all I could find was about the MK 105 and MK102/105 launcher with the 5" HVSR and a MK 50 motor tied onto a MK 10 warhead. They referred to a two barrel launcher that could go below decks to reload is that like a MK106? Just idle curiosity question.
They referred to a two barrel launcher that could go below decks to reload is that like a MK106?
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: You obviously found the same limited online sources that I did!
The MK106 launcher was unknown to me until I started researching it for this project. You can see the eight "launchers" on deck in the picture of the ship in the drydock. They are about half size, and missing much of the detail I can see in the photos of Carronade. Modeled in scale, all that detail should be visible, so I will do what I can to reproduce it. The ship would deploy with about 7,000 rounds of rocket propelled ordnance, which they would use up in less than two weeks.
By studying all the photos, I should be able to determine the size and shape of the basic support structure, then add the visible details to it......eight times!:eek:
This, is the really interesting, and therefore really fun part of modelbuilding.
Hello sumpter250. Yes I probably did. I had no real idea what a BOMROC was so taking my teenagers advice I "googled" it. It answered some "way in the back of the mind" questions such as what are those "rockets" they are launching off in those WWII and Korean war movies? I guess I should have stayed more awake in those EOD classes!
Your project looks truly worthy but I don't envy the eight times factor. Now I am feeling guilty about the 3/4s finished model of Cousteaus' vessel Calypso that keeps looking at me from the shelf above my hobby desk.
Ah! But then there is that Walthers carfloat whose hull is waiting! Three tracks or two tracks? Hmmmmm.
Well it's a good thing I only model railways?!
Cheers from the Heart of the Continent
If you go to the thread started by Deano, after trainfest, in one of the pics he took of my modules, there's a shot of a coastal freighter pierside.
That model sat on the shelf for almost five years, until I built the derelict tug, in the foreground. The pilothouse, and stack from the Revell Harbor tug kit, were what i needed to finish the freighter.
BTW Deano, thanks again for the great shots of the modules!
but I don't envy the eight times factor
I found, with the 40mm twin mount project, that doing multiples isn't as ugly as it might at first seem. Each step is completed for all pieces, before starting the next step (sometimes because it is needed to hang the next part on). By the time I have all the next parts measured, cut, shaped, and ready to install, the previous step's gluing has dried/set, and the assemblies are safe to handle.
Also, I can set the chopper and cut all the pieces at once, for each step. There's no having to "reset" the chopper for the same piece.
Hello sumpter250. Thanks for the direction. Looks really good!
I agree about the methodology for doing multiple parts. It even applies at times to painting ,well at least in the case of my painting for my sons' Warhammer figures armies anyway.
Deano, I'd like to thank you too for the photos!
Cheers from the Heart of the Continent