Mike Hagarty's N scale 'Mountain Sub'

I did a bit more work on the layout over the summer. I did manage to connect the staging yard to the rest of the layout, and had a train make an entire loop over the layout. It took 13 minutes. I'm just having trouble getting decent pictures with my Canon Elph, it's 6 mega pixels, but there are no manual settings, and the light isn't perfect, so the pictures are not looking so good. I'm going to have to get a new digital with manual settings. A digital SLR would be awesome!
No More Track Cleaning

Hi Mike,
Dennis here from the Edmonton N Scalers.
No need to worry any more about track cleaning. I took some advice and purchased some No-Ox and after our N Scalers clean our extensive track we apply a thin coating of the No-Ox and don't touch the track for at least 3 months even though we run trains every weekend.
It works wonderfully and I would recomend it to everyone.
Hope to drop in on you in April as we are bringing our layout to the Calgary Show.
Hello everyone, I haven't done much with the layout, however, my 4 year old son is to the age now where he likes running trains downstairs! So I have a live in operating buddy! I want to start doing some scenery, as the track work is all done and been running for a while with no problems. I would like to use something other than styrofoam for the scenery base, any ideas what kind of plaster to use? I might try that method this time, it seems that it would go much faster than hacking and gluing styrofoam. Thanks in advance!
SD 90 I have used plaster for covering areas on my layout and I reckon most of the time you waste is waiting for it to set so you can continue on.
personally because I like my layout to be light weight I use the foam you get in matteres and excercise mats and such its a lot more pilable than the styrofoam which I can't get here in oz. it goes down with PVA and cuts with a knife scissors or I can just rip it with my bare hands.

I haven't tested this out yet but when I come to do my hills I will wedding cake the foam then cover it with plaster and guze the idea being that he foam can easily take the weight of the plaster but the plaste makes the mountains ridgid and unlikely to collapse under the weight of scenery.
Hello again, any chance we can get some pictures of the completed track work? I love following your layouts!

One of our club members uses cheese cloth hanging from roadbed spline to make hills and valleys. He also makes mountains out of cardboard. Here is a link to his blog: http://atsgrr.blogspot.com/

I'm going to start doing a bit of scenery tonight, with a product called 'Rigid Wrap'.
I hope I can remember how to post pictures!
I did some work on the layout the other night and finally got some pictures posted.




I'm using the foam board method cut and carved then covered with plaster cloth. I'll try something different this time! It's amazing what a little green does!
This will be a factory that makes roofing shingles. They will get car loads of different color sand in hoppers, and tank cars of asphalt in, and loaded box cars of finished shingles will be pulled out.

This will be a particle board factory. Loads of wood chips and tank cars of glue in, finished lumber in box cars or center beam flat cars out.

This will be an auto compound. Someone will get the lucky job of pulling 10 empties and spotting 10 loads while crossing the mainline!
