Micro-Layout Idea


New Member
Apr 27, 2008
Madison WI
I get lot's of big ideas. sometimes they're BIG ideas for small projects.
In this case it's a microlayout in On30. Basicly a loop, with a siding.
Here's the catch: All the track is to be hand laid. all the rolling stock is to be scratchbuilt. the engine is to be a kitbashed HO engine(turned into a porter) the buildings are to be as scratch built as possible( which would be a mine, a station, and an industry of some sort)
I'm thinking this layout would be 18"x18" (is that reasonable for two-axel cars & short wheelbase engines?) Can't forget the tunnel. That would be added with scratch-built portals.

What do you think? Is it possible?
I get lot's of big ideas. sometimes they're BIG ideas for small projects.
In this case it's a microlayout in On30. Basicly a loop, with a siding.
Here's the catch: All the track is to be hand laid. all the rolling stock is to be scratchbuilt. the engine is to be a kitbashed HO engine(turned into a porter) the buildings are to be as scratch built as possible( which would be a mine, a station, and an industry of some sort)
I'm thinking this layout would be 18"x18" (is that reasonable for two-axel cars & short wheelbase engines?) Can't forget the tunnel. That would be added with scratch-built portals.

What do you think? Is it possible?

If you want to see plans and photos of just such a layout in everything from Z scale up to 7/8 inch scale look at Carl Arendts micro layouts web site.
MT Hopper
My problem is I do not have much skill, or time. But when I do do it, I do it for hours, and make a big mess, and.. never clean it up. I'm not the neatest, so I get scolded by my family for living in such a pigsty.

A few months before I got into Zealot, I did an internet search(I forget what it was for since that was 1-1/2 yers ago) and discovered Carendt. I still have it in my favorites list. I go back often, just for fun, but yes it is an awesome site.