Mi-24 Hind D

Hubo, if you have this kit, scan it, and build it from that. As long as you have the model, you can scan and build it. Just make sure you post the book to show you have it. Give it a shot, you may be pleasantly surprised! :)
MI 24-D for sale

I wish these models were readily available in the U.S., it stinks that we can't shop for them so easily. I imagine they'd sell 10 of 1000's on people just buying them one a whim here. I don't get it.

I was just checking out their site, and it says they ship worldwide. The Hind 24-D is still available, but at $49 US it's not cheap. Of course for the quality and size shown here it would be worth it. I'm sorely tempted.

I was just checking out their site, and it says they ship worldwide. The Hind 24-D is still available, but at $49 US it's not cheap. Of course for the quality and size shown here it would be worth it. I'm sorely tempted.


I agree, I'm just sorely broke. That's a set of medium grade Violin strings for my son's Violin, and that's with me putting them on! Somewhere along the line, my pocket told me to learn how to fit bridges and set up Violins, I think it was when the lutheirs wanted close to $200 bucks to do it for each Violin, (I fiddle a liddle)! I think if they set up a North American publisher, they would sell more product. I know too many stateside designers who's models I would build rather than support some shipping magnates. They sure are purdy though!

Also, that is just my situation. I think, barring designing your own, someone who wanted to build that model would not have to justify that expenditure. :)
The 'ghost' market

John & all, granted this was a beautiful build by Oldbot, but to the general population, such handicrafts just don't exist. Being as close as we are to the hobby, we truly appreciate the 'kit' and the results but we are few and far between (realistically.) Chris over at Ecardmodels can probably attest to the extent of his customer base, which is probably insufficient *as it now stands* to support a minor European publisher going to the expense and trouble of starting up (from what must be nearly the ground up) a production and distribution network in North America. I must wonder if the Czech's did more paper modeling whether it would happen (those guys are "hungry" enough I think to take advantage of nearly any niche marketing opportunity.)

Without 'common knowledge' exposure, I don't look for HobbyLobby or Michael's Crafts to start carrying paper models anytime soon - and that would I expect be the size of retailer required to start getting those publishers into this country.

Really too bad... it is a fun and simple hobby (at least to get started!)
Regards, Robert (stating the obvious again!)
Quite an impressive and clean build, oldbot. I too would love to be able to justify the expense of one of these models, but I have a hard enough time justifying the $12 for kooklic's uboat even though I'll make a couple of versions form the same file. BTW-What did you use for the canopies?
Impressive. If you photographed that with the sky as the background, I would be hard pressed to tell if it was a model.
Stumbled across this thread and could help but to comment on the Helo. That is awesome! How in the world do you keep the glue from staining the paper?