Maple Valley Logging & Millwork

Thanks guys for your comments.
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Bill since I don't have a RR up & running I have been building things as diaromas or modules. I plan on building the layout as modules for easy take down when we move. This is working well with the Mill & Coal Mine project since I can move them around. I haven't taken any pics of the CM yet. I might go ahead & take some & post what I have this weekend.

I look forward to seeing what you have done on the mine, I can console the competative portion of my psyche by pretending I could build better buildings if I didn't have the distraction of a large railroad to derail me. Thanks for sharing, and I can't wait to see what you have done with the mine.

Have you started to amass related rolling stock yet? this is going to be fun!

Bill Nelson
Glad to have you back viewing again. I have been occupied with the Levi Berry Coal project & starting to do some layout work. I also have had a shoulder injury which is limiting my modeling right now. I finally got some dry transfers & decided to letter one of the Shay's.

Those Bachman Shays sure look nice, It is a shame my Railroad is built , for the most part, entirely out of their comfort zone. That is a very nice job of lettering and numbering; did you use dry transfers or decals?

On my last order of train supplies I ordered several blank decal sheets. Unfortunately I don't have an ALPS printer, so I can't do white letters, but I am going to experiment with yellow lettering, a major break with tradition.

Nicely lettered locomotives go a long way toward setting the scene. Have you worked on the Heisler any?

It is good to see some progress here, share more as soon as you can

Bill Nelson
Thanks Mountain Man & Bill.

Bill I used dry transfers, the only problem was I had to buy three packs to get enough G's.:mad: With the Heisler I'm also thinking about going with yellow so I can salvage the number on the front boiler plate that the factory put on. My last experience with making decals was a disaster because of the gloss decal paper I used on the MVL&M project. I will be replacing them using the dull finish decal paper.
Thanks Mountain Man & Bill.

Bill I used dry transfers, the only problem was I had to buy three packs to get enough G's.:mad: With the Heisler I'm also thinking about going with yellow so I can salvage the number on the front boiler plate that the factory put on. My last experience with making decals was a disaster because of the gloss decal paper I used on the MVL&M project. I will be replacing them using the dull finish decal paper.

I just got my order in from Walthers, and in it was two packets of 8.5 X 11 matte clear decal sheets, so the adventure begins! I am familliar with the ritual of coming up short on a critical letter with the dry transfers. I allways ran out of C s first, and naturally, that was the letter that did not transfer correctly more often than not. I think it has been 35 years since I have played with decals. I think the last time I did that, I used a gold alphabetic set . I beleve, to spell out Dead Grass, Crooked Creek, & Western on the side of the tender of #21, my first Little River 2-4-4-2. I had # 21, and the name J. H. Morgan on the side of the cab. years ago something got spilled on the locomotive that messed up the paint on the cab, and I had to repaint the cab, and it has yet to get the # and name replaced. Thanks be to God, whatever it was didn't affect the tender

John Hunt Morgan was a Confederate raider, who made a visit north of Cincinnati Oh, Going right through the village I lived in up there, so as a Mississippi boy, that was just too much fun, and a nice did at mt Ohio friends. My Other 2-4-4-2 will be mamed D M Murray, after one of my train buddies who has passed away. David Murray, who was our Episcopal Priest here in Clarksville , was fond of telling folks that God is a model railroader. when questioned about this he would say " Read your Issiah, It says right there plain as day, AND HIS TRAIN FILLED THE ENTIRE TEMPLE!"

so I have a lot to do, but it will take a lot of planning. a boatload of HO decals will fit on an 8.5 X 11 sheet, so I will have to figure out what decals I need, guess at the font, and the size, make up a page on the computer, print it out on paper, so I can cut out samples and test them on cars and locomotives, and then adjust them as I need to before printing up a whole page full.

The biggest challenge will come with Parrot Oil Decals. I have been hand painting Parrot Oil signs for 25 years or more. I will need to paint a definitive Parrot oil sign on canvass or Masonite, photograph it. and use the resulting file to make decals for Parrot Oil tank cars, trucks, Gas stations, bill boards and Whatever. We already have one Parrot oil tank car @ the club. In my latest order I got a Plastistruct Horizontal tank kit, to make Tanks for a Parrot oil distributor @ the club, to extend the franchise off of the DG CC & W. This means I need more tank cars!

Thanks for sharing your stuff, we all need all of the encouragement we can get, both to bet busy and build something, and to push the envelope, and do a little better each time.

Bill Nelson
Idle thought: Can you use dry transfers to letter your master before converting to decal image? :confused:

You probably could use transfers on paper, and scan it, and print from that. It is a shame they don't sell ALPS printers in the states , I'd love to be able to do white decals, but # 22 has gold lettering on it, so going with yellow won't be too big a stretch.

Bill Nelson
What has Mr Sawdust been doing? If he hasn't been making sawdust then he needs to before he has an Identity crisis. I'm ready for some inspiration, I have been chasing my tail enough.

Let's see pictures!

Bill Nelson
Hey Bill nice to hear from you hope all has been well. I haven't been on here in a long time. I have been working mostly on the LB Coal Company. I have had a shoulder problem, son starting AA baseball this year & along with the grandson's ball team been kind of busy with that. Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do.:eek: I'll be posting some up dates here shortly. Thanks!

Life can interrupt our modeling at times. I will be doing an iron ore mine way up the fifth level soon. I am still waiting for parts for my engine house, and the Union Terminal @ State Line. Debris and tools from construction on the fifth level has rendered all levels below the fourth level totally inoperable/

Can't wait to see your stuff in use!

Bill Nelson