Looking for Romulian Bird of Prey TOS

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Romulans have Warbirds, Klingons have Birds of Prey. Both had D-7 Battlecruisers. I don't think the original Romulan ship in TOS: Balance of Terror was identified, and the Romulan Bird of Prey reference didn't make it to the screen in ST-III:TSFS (but I think it was in the novelization?). Since that time TV BoP's have always been Klingon, except for the ones organized by Barbara Gordon.
Here one is...

I dont have much time to build lately, but cant wait to see one made so please post your pics of this one if you build it... its pretty simple too, only took about a day to make.
its scaled is size to match with my tos enterprise when its finished..

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hope you like it


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Thank you very much!!!
That Bird of Prey is very nice! If I may make a few comments on the design:

The rear panel for the engines is too long and the underside rear of the tail end is to concave. Also, the wings are such that if the engines are attached level with respect to the hull, they are splayed out, and there are some color problems and texture matching problems on the underside. Other than those problems, this is a really well-done model, and one I've been wanting for some time! :D
I just remembered!!!

the rear tube for the engines I designed to be long... I made it a little smaller diameter and it is supposed to slip inside the main shaft, there was a step-down in diameter from the main section to the final end piece, and this was just an easier way to fudge it in paper.
As soon as I dig up my notes ill be sure but i think thats how it was supposed to go.
I've got some pics of the build here. it's a beta-build, so I was only trying to get it assembled, and as such it's got some gaps. I've written a critique of the model for the next revision.

Dorsal hull.
Ventral hull.
Forward hull.
Aft hull

In the first pic, you can see that the nacelles will splay if assembled correctly. I believe the problem is at the tips of the wings. If you tilt them in about 15 degrees they should be just fine. The edge piece(part "E") should be one solid piece. As it is with the parts in the middle it's too weak structurally to hold up the upper hull without buckling. I ended up cutting the center out and gluing the whole piece to an extra sheet of cardstock. The main upper hull piece(part "C") needs to have the rest of the "tail feathers" on it to match up with the concave piece(part "D") and the red lines need to be black. The tail fin's(part "I") edge can be a seperate piece; I cut it off the right and left sides of the tail and lamenated them onto several stacks of cardstock and then wrapped the edge around and trimmed it. It's more solid this way.

In the second pic, the tail(part "L") as printed was too concave and I added a crescent-shaped piece of grey in order to match up with the upper hull's rear end. This enabled the rear bulkhead(part "H") to attach more smoothly. The front two landing pads need to have the small rectangles added that face the centerpoint of the bottom. As it is, none of the edges of the ventral hull match up texture-wise. You can see in the picture which areas need to be corrected.

In the third pic, the windows need to be shifted over about 1/8-3/16 inches in order to clear the wings. As it is, if you match up the wings to the Bird of Prey marking, the wings end up covering a window. You can also see that the bridge(part "B") needs to be raised off the hull about 1/32 inches. The front of the engines(parts "1", "2", "3", and "4") might look better if they faded to a lighter color in the center

In the fourth pic, I trimmed the aft bulkhead(part "H") about an inch total. The rear of each engine(part "7") needs a black circle behind it and needs about 1/16 inches of thickness all the way around in order to match the studio model. Also, it couldn't hurt to add a metallic texture to the endcaps.

You shouldn't need to fix all of these, as there is a Bird of Prey decal that can be downloaded from Starship Modeler that one could apply on the bottom.
Great notes, it helps a loooot.
after going over my notes I found out i missed a whole bunch of fixes on the paintjob... i skipped a page when finalizing the first version...
(there's no 3d texture here- just "point and click" artwork)
all the graphics were never double-checked against corresponding edges.:(

as for the wing "splaying" i believe ive discovered why this is happening too- I originally had the wings forward too far on the hull, and at that time the nacelles were straight. when moved back I forgot to re-align the outer edge.

as for the rest, well... im just a moron sometimes:) heehee,

Internal structure and all the other corrections shouldnt take too long, PM me your email, and ill shoot one out to you as soon as its ready.

btw- i love your signature, thats my favorite movie!
OylPslyk said:
I dont have much time to build lately, but cant wait to see one made so please post your pics of this one if you build it... its pretty simple too, only took about a day to make.
its scaled is size to match with my tos enterprise when its finished..

View attachment 7923

hope you like it

Thank you Oyl! I would like to personally thank you for sharing all of your hard work with everyone.
I keep forgetting about this one!!! Sorry

I'm going to put this one up to the front burner and finish it out this week....

I keep getting distracted and jumping ship (so to speak) and moving focus around from model to model. Its about time i rounded this one out, sorry for the wait!
OylPslyk said:
I'm going to put this one up to the front burner and finish it out this week....

I keep getting distracted and jumping ship (so to speak) and moving focus around from model to model. Its about time i rounded this one out, sorry for the wait!
Well, I'm loving it! I can't wait till it's done. What size will it be? I'm voting for 1/350th or greater. Given any thought to a Klingon D-7?

You do magnificent work BTW, give my regards to mr. Leary.:twisted:
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