Lightship Ambrose - Free Model Competition

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I plan to build the cafe and the tug.
It will take some time because my first priority
is HMS Alert now but slowly I will finish it.
Hello. I was a long time again since my last post. All this time
I was building the pier for the diorama. First I used a cardboard
to make planks.

As you can see the color i awful but I was preparing this almost 2 months
so I have to leave this as it is. Below you can see all the pieces of the pier
before and after gluing.

I have no patience to work on this pier now. I think I will start to build
the tugboat W.O. DECKER. I need it to make my diorama to look like
it is on this picture..

There is a great amount of information about W.O. DECKER
here. This is a South Street Seaport web site. The most interesting is the link "Building the W.O. Decker". This if a 57 pages document of rebuilding the ship.

Here is what I'm planning to do now.

I found this site with the tugboat model (Dundrym Bay) from similar
time to W.O. Decker. There are the plans of the model
too. The hull is different but similar. On page 43 and 44
of the rebuilding report I have few frames of the hull.
Then on page 49 I have the picture of full hull.
I will get the plans of "Dundrum Bay" and resize them in photoshop
to match what I have about W.O. Decker. This way I will have
the hull lines for my tug. It will be not exactly what it should be
but the model will be very small anyway so I think the result
will be OK.
Just a suggestion, but if you are looking for shipside diorama ideas, you might want to check out this site of Michael Urban where there are a few free downloadable files to create wharf and water dioramas:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/lang,en/

Look under the free models section...and you should also browse the rest of the site, he has designed some outstanding space models and a few ship models!

Hope you find this of some help.

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