Lightjet - with cockpit

Added some modifications to the top surface of the wings. Added on a top layer of waste cardstock. Then added the top skin layer on top of the cardstock (see below).

Top skins on wings added and front vents cut out and added to the top front of the model.


You almost can't tell that the top of the wings are detailed slightly, but when seen in real life they are raised.

That's it for now. There's some minor design / coloring in the inside of the cockpit that needs to be done. Will share the pics when that is completed.

Sky Seeker
great build thread. I am just booked up solid, no time to take this on but if I did, I would do a tie fighter red, or blood guard style? I ran across a pic this weekend and was thinking of this astro racer stuff. pretty cool!. I know Zathros posted rules on this entire process, but I was wondering if there is a set date for some kind of bingo or lottery kind of dice game? anomalies and all? I like unfair advantages like worm holes, slip streams, etc... I would imagine a popper for the dice and a rating for how tough and how fast each ship can go, damages, plus anomalies and then each goes in turn!! maybe bigo1 can make some im ages of cool events that happen from the rolls to certain ships ! maybe I need to switch to decaf?
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great build thread. I am just booked up solid, no time to take this on but if I did, I would do a tie fighter red, or blood guard style? I ran across a pic this weekend and was thinking of this astro racer stuff. pretty cool!. I know Zathros posted rules on this entire process, but I was wondering if there is a set date for some kind of bingo or lottery kind of dice game? anomalies and all? I like unfair advantages like worm holes, slip streams, etc... I would imagine a popper for the dice and a rating for how tough and how fast each ship can go, damages, plus anomalies and then each goes in turn!! maybe bigo1 can make some im ages of cool events that happen from the rolls to certain ships ! maybe I need to switch to decaf?

Nahh... just add some milk and sugar to the coffee! I don't know about a game per say I just think that a "tie" ship with an astro racer twist on it would be great!

Sky Seeker
Looks good. The raised louvers add some texture. :)
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Looks good. The raised louvers add some texture. :)

Thanks Z! Still trying to come with a decent cockpit internal design. I've finished designing the chair, the basic design of the cockpit (e.g. the shape of the cockpit), but the instrument panels as well as the sides seem to be giving me trouble for some reason.

I guess it'll come to me sooner vs later, probably later.

Sky Seeker
Do what I do, Goggle cock pit panels, you will come up with a million of them. Find one that fits the shape, then use it. You could resize and crop it in "Paint" and stick the Panel right in there. If you figure out how big or small the pilot is, that will determine if you need side panels or not, and the chair size.

Something like the pic below could be folded and give a nice looking dash. There are so many out there. Just cut them up, and you got what you need. ;)

Found some possible Astro Racer designs. The Audi - Calamaro


The Audi - Shark



Sky Seeker
I want both of those. For real though!! They would make nice candidates, obviously some of the compound curves would be troublesome, but the overall concept could be modeled quite effectively. These are nice, I've seen them before, the bottom pic is actually an enclosed motorcycle, and has auto gyro stabilization. While this is a concept, they (Audi) does have a "mule" made that works, whether it sees production or not is another story. They, and a few others, are in negotiations with Lit motors and their Gyro Stabilized bike/car? It is extremely far along in design.

Lit Motors, this vehicle has dual gyroscopes that spin very fast:
