Lewis & Clark (Event Horizon)

Actually, if you built it up in layers, using 1 mm stock, you could then sand it into shape, and use a glue or clear coat to seal, then paint it. This would be for one maybe at the most a couple of inches, any bigger, I would switch to balsa wood, which is unrealized paper. :)
Bluer than blue...

UHA, i am looking for blueprints from the "Lewis & Clark" but i found only the "Event Horizon" :cry:


Thanks, man. In this thread there are some reference images, but no blueprints. I did try to find them, too, but couldn't. At this moment, I'm still busy with the new house, and all of the boxes that moving generates, but I'll get back to it.
All the best, :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

There isn't anything I could find on it. Just the same drawing everyone else has.