Launch when ready!


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Hello again!

The cold weather is still affecting my nose and throat which prevents me from completing the builds I have begun. So I am continuing on the CG modeling front and advance a project which has been in the works for almost half a year. To accomplish this I have taken my "conscience" Rhaven Blaack on board again. And together we give you

The Advanced Viper Development Project,

or in short,

Launch when ready!

This thread is the immediate sister thread to our "Advanced Thunderfighter Development Project" which you can find here:

As you might have already guessed it deals with all the different Viper models which have not been turned into paper yet, including an all-new never-before-seen TOS Mk. I. We will give you the Mk. VI from the defunct DeSanto / Singer Galactica project, the Antique Viper from the TOS episode "The Long Patrol" and at least one of the Ralph McQuarrie concept Vipers.

Each of them will feature a cockpit interior and an optional landing gear.

Since the original Viper prototype has more in common with the Thunderfighter you will find any updates on this plane in the Thunderfighter thread mentioned above. Don't worry, the TF development and the other threads I have begun (Crichton, Turbocycle, Hangar Bay, Visitor rifle etc.) are not dead and will be continued soon.

And here are some screenshots of the current state of the new CG models. The texture of the Mk. IV is temporary and will be replaced with a more authentic one.

Stay tuned! :wave:

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This is realy looking good !!!

I used to have a viper TOS plasticmodel and would love a great replacement.
If the quality of your Thunderfighters will act as an example for these Vipers then they're gonna be absolutely fantastic.

I will be following this closely for sure !!

Hi, Elko! Great to have you here. :wave:

RB and I will make sure that you and the other fans will not be disappointed. One of the main flaws of all Viper paper models out there is that their proportions are not correct. I'm carefully trying to make our Vipers as accurate as possible. There are some very tricky shapes though (the nose and the jet intakes). At least you won't find that strange collar around the intakes which was prominent on the Revellogram Viper! :mrgreen:
This is realy looking good !!!

I used to have a viper TOS plasticmodel and would love a great replacement.
If the quality of your Thunderfighters will act as an example for these Vipers then they're gonna be absolutely fantastic.

I will be following this closely for sure !!


Are you going to be building a Thunder Fighter any time soon?:twisted:
Hi, Elko! Great to have you here. :wave:

RB and I will make sure that you and the other fans will not be disappointed. One of the main flaws of all Viper paper models out there is that their proportions are not correct. I'm carefully trying to make our Vipers as accurate as possible. There are some very tricky shapes though (the nose and the jet intakes). At least you won't find that strange collar around the intakes which was prominent on the Revellogram Viper! :mrgreen:

That Revellogram Viper is exactly the one I had !!
Back in the days when I was a lot younger that was an awesome model, well for me at that age at least.
I also had the Cylon Raider and..... I still do have the Galactica, one of the models that didn't get lost over time.
The paintjob I did back then isn't how I would do it now though, maybe I'll overhaul it sometimes or make a new paper model.

I'm realy looking forward to your Vipers, always loved that design.

@Rhaven Blaack

I will build one of the Thunderfighters someday, don't know when though, I wanna finish the Wanderer first and then I have the Enterprise B scheduled. After that it's as unclear as the weather in Holland :)

An ORIGINAL Viper..... YEssssssss!
I await with glee....!

I'll even put 'the other one' which is already printed, on hold, and build it later, as a supplement to what is looking to be 'THE' Viper Model.... :thumb:

Keep it coming, Gentlemen!!:mrgreen::cool:
I still do have the Galactica ... maybe I'll overhaul it sometimes or make a new paper model.
My "Revellograms" are still alive. :mrgreen:

But I must admit, the Galactica is THE worst model I have ever seen. Even worse that the Ertl AT-ST with his closed eyes. The current paper model is much better:

However a new one is on my list. A BIG one. A REALLY BIG one. :twisted:
My "Revellograms" are still alive. :mrgreen:

But I must admit, the Galactica is THE worst model I have ever seen. Even worse that the Ertl AT-ST with his closed eyes. The current paper model is much better:

However a new one is on my list. A BIG one. A REALLY BIG one. :twisted:

When I look over my plastic Galactica (I just did this afternoon) it realy isn't up to par to todays models either plastic or paper. I was very young then and was excited alone over the fact to even have that model here in Holland. A relative gave it to me after a trip to Canada.
I allready downloaded the Galactica from Leslie's site and it is nice indeed but could do with a bit of greebling.

Your REALY BIG one, is that gonna be a papermodel ?

Your update on the Viper looks very good, I'm realy anctious to see how the unfold will look like.
