Large Rolls-Royce Wraith.

That is going to be (INSANE) Hope they provide the drawings and they are better for your purpose than the last one...
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Just photos I'm afraid.

They're extremely protective of their product so no drawings or cad models.

It turns out that the model I was supplied with is a 3rd party one too which would explain the intersecting parts. I did have a feeling it was after they were found. Luckily most were in the engine so it's not a major issue.

I just hope I can do it justice.
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I can understand the "No Mesh" or blueprint thing. Most people can be trusted, maybe, but a shitload can't. ;)
Ok, so with the migration to new servers and the "mess" that caused us to lose a load of stuff, it seems I should update on progress.

The new engine model is currently being revised and checked over and the exhaust manifold and turbos are being created. Hopefully I shall have some photos to show you soon.

I'm currently finishing a small model for my sister which will be finished mid September.

Then I will begin printing parts for the interior.
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This thread is so awesome. The picture loss really is felt here, just because of the awesomeness of the project you are taking on. :)
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Hi all,
Over the past couple of weeks I've been checking through all the templates and cleaning up the cut and fold lines. I've also re-textured a few smaller parts to add to the detail.

I know some of you are eager to see some building started.
It's looking like I'll be able to start printing very soon.

Won't be long now. thumbsup
Hey, take your time, that's a massive project!! :)
Who else gets to see pictures like this. Looks like a great place to work. ;)
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I would have jumped on an opportunity to work for a company like that. That was why I worked at Perkin-Elmer, when they were building the Hubble Telescope, and later on at Sikorsky, an icon in rotary wing aircraft. As hurt as I got at Sikorsky's, I still have fond memories of many good peoplle, working our asses off to get these helicopters out, with state of the art, secretive build processes, some of which I developed, and helped develope. Memories, kind of all we're left with. ;)
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I would have jumped on an opportunity to work for a company like that. That was why I worked at Perkin-Elmer, when they were building the Hubble Telescope, and later on at Sikorsky, an icon in rotary wing aircraft. As hurt as I got at Sikorsky's, I still have fond memories of many good peoplle, working our asses off to get these helicopters out, with state of the art, secretive build processes, some of which I developed, and helped develope. Memories, kind of all we're left with. ;)

Well, it wasn't Rolls Royce...but I worked for Audi Germany for more years than I had planned on. All those innovations you see in cars today... I field-tested as a consulting engineer, long before they ever made it to the outside world. The last thing I was testing was a self-driving A4, it would even remember where to go on certain days ( Like Work, or the Grocery Store ) and get you there and all you had to do was step on the gas. Had so many features it would even scan and park in a slot, forward or reverse or parallel park in a space I never would try on my own. NDA's keep me from talking about some of the other stuff, but it is amazing!
Well, it wasn't Rolls Royce...but I worked for Audi Germany for more years than I had planned on. All those innovations you see in cars today... I field-tested as a consulting engineer, long before they ever made it to the outside world. The last thing I was testing was a self-driving A4, it would even remember where to go on certain days ( Like Work, or the Grocery Store ) and get you there and all you had to do was step on the gas. Had so many features it would even scan and park in a slot, forward or reverse or parallel park in a space I never would try on my own. NDA's keep me from talking about some of the other stuff, but it is amazing!

Maybe a bit off topic, but Gandolf, your experience and life's history boggles the mind. I've come to think there is nothing you cannot do, or haven't done. It does show though, in everything you have built, and the help you give others. Your not conceited, and offer help freely and generously, you share your knowledge. You are an integral part of this forum. The "go to guy". IMHO. :)
Ok guys, slightly long update as it's been a while.

My old printer decided to "pack it in" last month so I have been looking for a decent replacement. I have now acquired one which should do the job nicely.

Secondly, life is doing it's best at getting in the way of me doing anything meaningful to the model at the moment.

The templates are all sorted and textured and all logos are where they should be. Everything I can do on the pc has been done. I have a VERY large stack of card (various thicknesses for different parts) ready to go. All that is missing is the time....

Also to update you all on my Son's condition, he had another biopsy last month and I'm afraid the BMT has failed. The recovery should take 4 to 6 weeks, he was still in hospital after 4 months. They have tried lots of new treatments and drugs but to no avail.

He will be back in hospital mid January to try a second time. We are all hoping that its plain sailing this time. They are all happy that he is well enough to wait until after xmas and his birthday and to look at him you wouldn't know there is anything wrong.

Anyway, I'm hoping I can start building soon as I need something to help me relax and I know there are some members who are eager to see a start.

Until then...
Hey xaero,
I think many of us use creative hobbies like this to quiet the mind from the ups and downs in life.
I sincerely hope you and your family have a great Christmas and 2020 brings positive treatment for your son.
All the best.