Kirishima #17 pdf

Wow!!!! I almost missed this. This is a superb ship model, have to bump this thread and make it a sticky till all the sections (one left) are released. This is one of those models I suspect will be up for a while, then "Poof!", it's gone. Thanks Allen!! ;)

kirishima_top.jpg kirishima02.jpg kirishima03.jpg
Took forever for the #17 to released, a year? I need #18 right now! would be nice to have a US guided missile destroyer to go with that.
This thread has to be bumped and kept open till all .pdf's are released. Post some pics of your build Allen, I would love to see what you are up too. A yeah eh? It took me 4 years to get the whole "Last Exile" DVD set, I can wait. I had to pre-order those to get them as soon as possible, I got all the VanShip paper models though, that was the clincher if you pre-ordered. This is a great find!! :)
Right now I'm trying to build and video as many plastics models as I can before I go back home to TX. One less box to take home = one more model kit I can buy to take home :D Last Exile came out with a new follow-up box set. I got that almost 2 years ago and I still have not watch it yet so I don't know what the new story about, no paper model this time tho.
I saw some of it on YouTube. They kind of lost what they were doing. I could not get attached to the characters. I long for movies like "Castles In the Sky", "Howl's Moving Castle", "Princess Mononoke", "Grave of the Fireflies", which made me cry like a baby, and of course, Porco Rosso!! People still ask me for a copy of the Savoia. I just laugh and ask them, very seriously, to not ask again, I keep my word. :)
Thanks, finding people that will keep their word are not easy to come by. That reminded me I still need to update that model. Have you watched "Spiriting Away" and the "Wind Rises" about the designer of the Mitsubishi A5M? I love just about every one of the Studio Ghibli films but " The tale of the Princess Kaguya", visually not a good looking film at all. Whatever they were tried to do, not working!
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Yes, I own both those DVD's. I own all the DVD'as mentioned in this thread. Grave of the fireflies was one I watched with my mother with my LCD Projector at 200 " inches diagonal. We both sat, motionless, and neither of us did not make a sound. My Mom was so quiet, I thought she fell asleep. I looked out of the corner of my eye and she was crying, which of course, I was close to doing myself, and that set me off. That movie had both of us deep in inner thought at the end, and deeply affected us. Both of us in tears at the realization of what we were actually watching, which many people I've talked too about this movie did not understand. I won't comment, as not to spoil it for anyone. A must see movie. Studio Ghibli is an incredible production studio.

Miyazaki got a lot of crap from both sides, some saying he was white washing Japanese history, and the Japanese critics saying he was too hard on the characters involved. If you get both sides pissed off, you've done something right. ;)
Thanks Allen for letting us know. I am happy I did not have to suffer the waiting!! This is a model to be downloaded, and quick. Models like this tend to disappear. That has been the trend lately. ;)
Thanks!! Got it!! :)