Just a newbie question...

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New Member
Dec 5, 2010
Okay going out on a limb here... I think I've been making something simple more complicated then it needs to be... When I am building a vehicle using the plans I take the printed plans and wood glue it to card stock, then glue 2 more pieces to the back of that card stock using wood glue again... from there I use my exact o knife to cut it all out. glue it all together.. the problem... shouldn't I be using cardboard?? and is it a simple 1 ply cardboard? corrugated? or the cereal box you find siting on top of the shelf... could someone help me with this?:confused:
so your printed plans are just on a normal sheet of paper that you then glue to cardstock? why not just print the plans on the cardstock itself, as long as your printer supports thicker paper you should be fine and will save you from always having to glue to the cardstock itself. i use 65lb cardstock for my papercrafts and they always come out durable.
Most office suppliers will know what you mean if you ask for cardstock. It also comes in different colours and some of the transformer models are usable on coloured card to save on ink. You print the lines and the colour comes from the card (if that makes sense).
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