Instructions for USS Grissom by Martin Saenger in 1:400! Help?


Feb 2, 2009
North Carolina
Hey anybody. I found a good model of the USS Grissom (1:400 scale) from Star Trek by Martin Saenger on the website PaperCraftSquare, but I can't find any instructions. I found another model of the Grissom by Saenger in 1:760 that had instructions but the parts don't quite sync with the other scale. Anbody? I can probably figure it out eventually by looking at pictures and seeing what fits. And then cursing and reprinting the page. :)
Hi! :)

This is where you go:

This is the original model. I have just checked the package. It is complete with instructions. The 1/400 kit is an enlarged version of this smaller kit. You'll have to rejoin certain parts first to proceed.

I recall a project spearheaded by legal01, bgt01 and Rawen with the goal to produce top-notch vectorised versions of all major Star Trek vessels available. They started with the Enterprise Refit and translated many of the models by Clever Santoro Lopez. I think the big Grissom was part of the project. There are no instructions for the Grissom (yet), unfortunately. The project only involved the enlarging and cleaning up of the template. The lack of time and man power prevented a test build of many of these ships. So if you tackle it it would be your honour to write an indepth description of how to assemble the model (preferably in a thread here ;) ).

BTW, the link at PCS is unauthorized. The site used to be a good resource online until some time in the past the keepers decided to offer pirated models. They put up scans of printed kits and take models from other websites and put them on their hosters without asking first. So I advise you to check the link to the model before you download it. If it leads to dropbox and yandisk I would be careful. If it leads to another website where a new model is offered I would say it's legit. No mistake on your side, I only want you to know what's going on. :)
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Not every model they post is pirated. You just have to check the links as I said. If they lead you to the original site(s) everything is fine. Direct download links are more suspicious. And - you are always welcome, mate! :)
Hi! :)

I recall a project spearheaded by legal01, bgt01 and Rawen with the goal to produce top-notch vectorised versions of all major Star Trek vessels available. They started with the Enterprise Refit and translated many of the models by Clever Santoro Lopez. I think the big Grissom was part of the project. There are no instructions for the Grissom (yet), unfortunately. The project only involved the enlarging and cleaning up of the template.

This was an exciting project. I seem to recall tat the NCC-1701, NCC-1701-A, a Kelvin, and the Grissom were developed. I also think a Klingon Bird of Prey was completed. There was talk of an Excelsior at 1/400 but I guess it was too daunting to complete. That's a shame, as the larger scale would have led to managing the curved edges of the ship better but I can't imagine how hard and time consuming the design would be, even if inflating to a larger size. There was talk of a Franz Joseph tug and destroyer at 400 that also fell apart.

Someone did a 1/200 of NCC-1701-A with an amazing hangar deck. It stood almost as long as his child was tall!

Alas, the combined effort of the many paper designers to upscale these classic Trek kits fizzled out. A shame. The work was outstanding. I'd love to see your build tread if you'd do the Grissom. Its a beautiful ship.
I'm gonna have to wrestle with it without instructions. At least the smaller scale is similar enough to work with. And it is a shame that the other ships didn't make it.
@frontiernx01 : Don't blame yourself, mate. It's all good, really. You haven't done anything wrong. :)

@THE DC : Yep, I wasn't sure about the Bird of Prey. I have just found the folder on my HDD. Looking at the files again instantly brought back very fond memories about the project. I did not contribute because of time constraints but it was very exciting to see everything come together. The only thing I do not like is the texture of the Galaxy class Enterprise. It is somewhat distorted and has to be partially re-made. The warp nacelles are fine but the saucer section needs much work. I tried to import the *.pdfs in Corel to do the correction myself but the import filter is unable to open it (it is a known bug plagueing the old version I have). I'll try InkScape someday (when I have found out how to work with it more easily ;) ). I can see myself taking over the way I continued the unfolding of the Galactica fleet ships ... some day. :)
I remember that giant Enterprise A. I considered trying a build but got veto'ed by the wife with a very valid reason. No space. I suggested we boldly go where no one has gone before & she showed me an un-mowed lawn....
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@frontiernx01 : Don't blame yourself, mate. It's all good, really. You haven't done anything wrong. :)

@THE DC : Yep, I wasn't sure about the Bird of Prey. I have just found the folder on my HDD. Looking at the files again instantly brought back very fond memories about the project. I did not contribute because of time constraints but it was very exciting to see everything come together. The only thing I do not like is the texture of the Galaxy class Enterprise. It is somewhat distorted and has to be partially re-made. The warp nacelles are fine but the saucer section needs much work. I tried to import the *.pdfs in Corel to do the correction myself but the import filter is unable to open it (it is a known bug plagueing the old version I have). I'll try InkScape someday (when I have found out how to work with it more easily ;) ). I can see myself taking over the way I continued the unfolding of the Galactica fleet ships ... some day. :)

I never knew about a Galaxy class. I had heard of an Excelsior but I don't think it got very far. It would be a challenging design as well as an enormous kit!

What was your projected size of the Ent D in 400?
danny monk is doing a galaxy class with leds, its turning out well, but as with them all, the compound curves are not the same at 1/400, so you might need to snip and tuck.
I just looked it up again. The Galaxy class that was traced was 1/1000. My bad! :drinksmile:

However, a 1/400 G class would be about 6' long..! :eek::cool:

The Enterprise B was fully traced, also in 1/1000 scale. Since it is the same class as the Excelsior it would not be hard to re-colour the parts. :)
I just looked it up again. The Galaxy class that was traced was 1/1000. My bad! :drinksmile:

However, a 1/400 G class would be about 6' long..! :eek::cool:

The Enterprise B was fully traced, also in 1/1000 scale. Since it is the same class as the Excelsior it would not be hard to re-colour the parts. :)


If it were completed, I bet an Excelsior version would be that hard to modify, huh?
Basically, no. The Excelsior kit still needs some flaps and instructions.