Indianapolis International Airport in 1:400

Here's the Concourse B roof roughly halfway complete. First step was to establish the plan view... it's a 7-sided figure with each side divided into thirds. All of the ridges and valleys radiate from the center. The peaks and valleys transition smoothly into a flat slope going the rest of the way up to the top. The slope down from the top continues straight, uninterrupted, down the valleys. Therefore, the sides of the peaks aren't flat planes but are actually "twisted" along their length, so I divided the peak and valley lines into 16 segments and spanned them with a web of transverse lines. Next step will be to divide each of those resulting 4-sided spaces into triangles, allowing faces to be created, then smoothing. One near the lower center of this view is completed as a test to decide which way the diagonals needed to run.
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"Skinning" of the upper surfaces of the roof peaks is well underway. After this is complete, the next step is to clear away the leftover parts of the plan view that were used to establish the alignment of the roof outline but are no longer needed, then to skin the outer edges and under surfaces of the protruding peaks around the edges. Then to build the rest of the structure downward. I did the roof first as my measurements from Google Earth were over the edges of the roof, and the walls are inset from the edges. I felt it best to start with where the most accurate measurements are, than to start from there and attempt to work backwards into the rest of the structure, then do the roof last.
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Nice work! It looks like it would be an interesting airport to visit.
In terms of the number of flights and destinations, it's actually more interesting now than it was when the old terminal was here. The old terminal had a total of 34 gates. The new one has close to 50. Plus the FedEx hub just keeps growing... they're running 3 sorts a day now on some days!

But the old terminal did get a lot of interesting activity. There was even an airline based here, ATA. Though they did most of their scheduled flying out of Chicago Midway, they did have quite a few flights from Indy to some off the beaten path places in Florida. They ran 727s to St. Petersburg and Sarasota and West Palm, and Lockheed L-1011s direct to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

At the end, Concourse A was a "focus city" operation for Northwest. The biggest planes they brought in here were the 757-300, the longest narrow body airliner (slightly longer than the previous record holder, the DC-8 Series 63).

But the old terminal has a lot of sentimental value for me. My dad and I spent a lot of time in there taking photographs and just watching planes. Then 9/11 killed off terminal access to anyone who wasn't actually there to fly somewhere.
In terms of the number of flights and destinations, it's actually more interesting now than it was when the old terminal was here. The old terminal had a total of 34 gates. The new one has close to 50. Plus the FedEx hub just keeps growing... they're running 3 sorts a day now on some days!

But the old terminal did get a lot of interesting activity. There was even an airline based here, ATA. Though they did most of their scheduled flying out of Chicago Midway, they did have quite a few flights from Indy to some off the beaten path places in Florida. They ran 727s to St. Petersburg and Sarasota and West Palm, and Lockheed L-1011s direct to San Juan, Puerto Rico.

At the end, Concourse A was a "focus city" operation for Northwest. The biggest planes they brought in here were the 757-300, the longest narrow body airliner (slightly longer than the previous record holder, the DC-8 Series 63).

But the old terminal has a lot of sentimental value for me. My dad and I spent a lot of time in there taking photographs and just watching planes. Then 9/11 killed off terminal access to anyone who wasn't actually there to fly somewhere.
I do miss the days when you could go into the terminals and watch the planes and crews.
Nicely done but you could speed up the process by making one segment, grouping it, turning it into a component and then duplicating it. ;)
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Nicely done but you could speed up the process by making one segment, grouping it, turning it into a component and then duplicating it. ;)
The reason I didn't was because I was concerned that the fact that 360 does not divide evenly by 7 might result in something not lining up quite right due to rounding error.
Looks good! I can't wait to see it textured and with the aircraft!
Me neither. Only one more concourse to build and it'll be the easiest of the 4. No complicated rooflines... I hope to have it done by the end of this weekend. Then attention will turn to getting this 3D rendering converted to an actual paper model. I will be leaning heavily on you guys... the end goal is to make printable PDF files equal to those provided by kit publishers.
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The major 3D work is FINISHED!!! Only a few minor details to go back and add... air conditioning units and that sort of stuff. But the major design work is done and the focus will now turn towards generating the paper design templates. But I suppose that will be better served with another thread. I am going to need input from a few designers because I'm sure everyone has their own approaches and my goal is to get an accurate design with as little clean-up work from my end as possible. And I would like to have the possibility of having professional-quality PDF templates to possibly sell.
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So do you have any tips on how to apply a scale 6'6" wide (0.195" actual) strip straight and even along an edge that's almost 30 actual inches long?
Look at the real one and look for seams.
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And now for a concourse! This is Concourse A, which housed TWA and Eastern in the heyday, and Northwest's "focus city" operation at the end. There is no need to model the jetways at this stage, as those will be based on a ready-made design and installed at the time of construction.
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Lots on greeblin/enhacing possibilities to make surface 3d here.
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