Imperial Guard Baneblade - FlareBaffled

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Oct 5, 2009
Ontario, CA
I have some questions regarding FlareBaffled's Baneblade model. I would send this in a PM, but currently I cannot... 15 post limit I am told.

I imagine at any rate that this question/answer (and hopefully eventual build progress record) set will be useful to anyone else interested in putting this monster together.

First of all, let me say, this is an amazing model! I can only aspire to building such detail into my future kits. That said:

1. What scale was this (and I suppose all the rest of FlareBaffled's models) set to? I assume 1:1 with the GW gaming piece (about 1:50 RW), but I hate to assume. I also really hate to print anything out only realize I assumed wrong.

2. What paper weight should I use? Again, assuming that most of the larger panels should be on 60-110 lb cardstock, but some of the sponson and gun components, and even the track/road wheels look small enough to perhaps justify regular office-weight paper.

3. I noticed that the left-track box section does not have road wheels, idler, or track, while the right-track box does. Do I need to print two-sets of the road-wheels and idlers?

I'm certain more questions will crop up. I expect this build to take a while, as I am already toying with an internal detail to the driver section and the turret box (and potentially modeling crew).

***EDIT: Q2, and 3 fall under the category of RTFM. I was looking at the model view only, and neglected to zoom in on the paper-unfold sections that clearly state the answers! :eek:ops: - I would still like to know the scale though ***

Thank you,
Tirick (Sean)
I had trouble with guessing what weight of card I should use for my Warhound when I attempted it, and would also like to know what weight should be used for such ventures.

I ended up using plasticard but I think the type I used was too thick. D=
Ok, so it was a long while ago that I considered this build, and sadly its been sitting printed since my last post in this thread. I got the bug this week however to work on it, although I'll bet its a few more weeks before it is finished.

Here are some progress shots thus far, and I must say so far it has been a real pleasure to build!


I've spend another fair few hours cutting and attaching a lot of the detail bits, extra panels, pop-up viewports and have now assembled the sponsons. I'm gearing myself up for the long task of assembling the drive/idler/road-wheels and tracks, although I still have no idea how the track sections go together. If anyone who has already made one of these monsters has any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it!


Thank you,
So, 10 hours of cutting and gluing later, I now have two 25 cm track strips. I have no idea if I put them together 'correctly' for there is fair amount of white space visible on the upper side, but as I was planning to edge the white parts anyway, it is no big deal for me. While I had a bit of a stalled start, changing my method for assembly shortly after starting; I present shots my assembly process below for anyone interested in building one of these who might be stuck on the tracks.



Now on to the wheels...

:confused: There's something wrong with the textures?

Personally I thought the textures excellent, maybe a couple of sections have some distortion, but most of those are underneath layers, where the laminate panel is clearer and better detailed.

Keep in mind each track is only 8mm x 21 mm, the camera shows the full detail far above the actual print resolution. At model distance (hell even at assembly distance) the textures are great to the naked eye. My only real concern was assembling the track incorrectly. I suspect the wide flat panels are actually supposed to fold back over the track and they are textured black.
You are different from many of us Sean in that you think things through ahead of time and aren't afraid to try something unconventional. The hinge on your Star Wars fighter and your ARC-70 figures come to mind immediately. Looking forward to the completion of this model with real anticipation.
The wheels are now all done, all told approximately 200 pcs, so track plus wheels nears 500 parts alone. Circular parts are bit more of a pain to cut and glue, so it likely took as long, despite less pieces. Next is the paint touch-ups on both the wheels and the track and then the delicate assembly (in an effort not to dislodge the wheels while attaching the track).


Painted and mounted! Had a little trouble with the final section of track, the part I started assembling before I switched methods, but aside from that touchups on the tracks and tires (Chaos Black and Graveyard Earth) and the rims (Chaos Black and Catachan Green) went quite smoothly. A bit of extra water ensures the paint slips into the cracks nicely.

Now onto the turrets and greeble!


Well the beast is now fully assembled, all of the little bits attached and it only awaits touchup painting. I'll post final detailed pics once I'm done, but for now here are some shots of it climbing the pile of scrap paper left behind from its printing.

For scaling reference it is shown escorting a small squad of Adepta Sororitas. All four turrets rotate, although the sponson weapons are fixed in place. I made some slight modification to the small turret rotation element, incorporating a design I used in another tank mod. I don't know that it would have effected much, but I like it better so used it. I also modded spare barrels onto the left trackpod; the clamps were modeled but no barrels.


How many guns does the thing have?!? I gave up at eleven. That thing's a monster. Haw many gallons to the mile does it get?

Nice work Sean! Looking forward to the final pics.
Its been a while since I visited this forum, and wow, did I miss out.

That is one neat Baneblade! Splendid!
EXTREMELY impressive !!! any chance to build a Dies Ire?

Not familiar with that term mate; What is it, a variant, or another Super-heavy?

I've bee a bit distracted on the finishing of this beast. All of the grossly obvious white spots have been filled, but I've not completed all of the edging. It'll get done... eventually. :D It stands out as the best paper model I've assembled even without edging.

Maybe I'll get to it when I'm painting my brace of Chimera's.
HAHA baneblades rock! If you want firepower though you should check out the double giant gatling gun tank now that has a lot of guns ; )
The Stormlord? Yes... that is a personal favorite. I may well shell out the $110 CAD my local is offering for the kit... eventually.

It also holds something like 40 troops, making it possibly the nastiest APC in the 40K uni.
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