How to protect paper models from dust?


niebla de fuego


I'm rather new to this forum, though I've been sporadically building paper models since I was a child.

One problem I faced several years ago, when I built a paper plane was how to protect it from dust (which was a chronic illness in my neighborhood).

The model was built from an original kit, and therefore the printing was of excellent quality and the heavy paper was also very good. But dust soon started to accumulate on it and after some time it didn't look as good as when finished.

At that time I was young and moneyless, and I had no way of making a glass-covered cabinet to display.

Now you can guess what's my question....

Is there a way of protecting paper models from dust when they're outside a cabinet?
Maybe an anti-stastic spray coating?

At that time I used to cover them with clear plastic bags (like clear pajamas), but although useful it was just tasteless and the models loose any appeal because it's great to have them displayed "naked". And I think that given the inherente delicacy of paper, dusting off them would eventually be dangerous for the model.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and tips.
you could try making clear plastic boxes? And spraycoating a model with matt or gloss varnish makes models sturdier and easier to clean.
If it's on an open shelf it gets dusting on occasion, compressed air (at a distance)...

Storage/plastic case is the only way to really keep dust away. That or an expensive air cleaner... since dust is 99% dead/ skin.

Thank you for your answers! :thumb:

I will try the clear plastic boxes for the models. And I think I'll also try the varnish so that they can resist more the passage of time.
take care with the varnish if you have any clear plastic windows and such.

Another option might just be to put another shelf quite close to the top of the models then the dust will MOSTLY settle on there. Not 100% of course but it will take out a good chunk of the dust. You could also make a canopy of some sort out of saran wrap that would allow light in that way.

More realistic (for planes anyhow) make some hangars for them to be in! :)
take care with the varnish if you have any clear plastic windows and such.

Another option might just be to put another shelf quite close to the top of the models then the dust will MOSTLY settle on there. Not 100% of course but it will take out a good chunk of the dust. You could also make a canopy of some sort out of saran wrap that would allow light in that way.

More realistic (for planes anyhow) make some hangars for them to be in! :)

Thanks a lot for the reminder!!!!
Actually that was an issue when I first assembled a plastic model. I used a paint that was not for models and it ate the plastic :cry:

The hangar is a wonderful option!!! Unfortunately, I think it's not practical for me, because of the lack of space :mrgreen:
I have hobbies shop displace cases at my studio for my figures and kits collection. I also have bookcase with Glass doors too to keep dust out. Because they are not airtight, dust can still find it way in there. So only way to keep dust off you toys is dust them regularly before dust built up. I like Swiffer dusters. It can pick up a lot of dust. I can dust a lots of models with just one pad. Unlike the co2 duster. It just blowing dust up in the air and dust will come back down on you models again. It is waste of money.
Use acrylic paint

I would recommend to paint your paper models with acrylic. This way, you can easy wipe off the dust. Otherwise, use a glass cabinet to display your models.
I agree with noscire8. Acrylic works wonderfully. Also, if your model is printed from colour paper or has colour details printed directly on the paper you can get acrylic medium from arts stores and use that. It's acrylic paint, just without the colour added to it.
I should also add Acrylic has a big point vs display boxes/cases as dust WILL enter your box/case anyway (except for sealed ones, but a paper model in a sealed box in no fun anymore).
I too have this issue. I think I'll try that Acrylic and have the wife pick some up the next time she goes to her craft stores. Thanks for the suggestions!
i have one idea , and while it MAY work , it would be alot more expensive than a glass case , even if the case was a super expensive one where the model is in a vacuum

i heard of a glass powder that is used in 3d laser cutters and etchers to "etch" metal . what it really does is melt the glass over the metal in the areas the laser hits . so, u could theoretically powder the model and cove it in a super thin layer of glass .

but their would be issues .
1) not burning the model when the laser melts the glass
2) not breaking the glass when the model was touched ( fine layer glass on flimsy surface ... u can see what i mean right? )
3) the super expensive cost
I generally use a clear coat spray and just blow it off with compressed air from time to time. I have a bunch lined up on a shelf. I once tried that mod podge stuff but it turned out bad. I know this is an old post but stay away from mod podge.
Do you have any problems with clear coat spray messing up the printer ink on the model? I've never tried spraying on printer ink.
hi i have tried the method often with clear coating,
directly sprayed on the model from about 30cm,
while there was no problem with the printet color,
I use HP Deskjet color
think this is a good and inexpensive way to protect the models away from dust
I use clear plastic cases designed for displaying die cast models for my best builds, but for everything else if it gets dusty, dirty, dented, deformed, I just trash it and build a new one. After all, the fun is in building it anyway.