Here again.

Mark Crowel

User of old school drafting tools; no CAD.
Jul 28, 2007
Southwest Michigan.
I've been away for a while. It's good to be back.

2013 was a bad year. Money troubles compounded marital problems, leading to a divorce, followed by more financial problems.
Likewise, this year is off to a bumpy start.

Anyway, I'm back to building again. I'm working on new projects, and hoping to finish an old one as well. (I'm wondering if I'll EVER finish that 1956 Packard.)
Mark, great to have you back, and your unique car design methodology. By Jan. 30th or the first week of Feb. the new forum should be up and running, so don't be too surprised if you login and see something quite different, but great! :)
Welcome back home Mark. I hope that this year is better for you then the last.
As Zathros said, this forum is going through some serious changes.
So please be ready for a whole NEW Zealot!!!

Once again welcome back.

If you need anything, by all means, do not be afraid to ask.
Thank you, gentlemen. I'm optimistic, about this year, and about the upcoming forum changes. Also, my faith in God has increased through these recent troubles.
BTW, I'm having a heck of a time trying to load my avatar. I've reduced the photo to 150 X 112, and loaded the photo into my albums, and tried to paste the URL into the browse bar under custom avatar, but nothing works. Here is the photo I want for my avatar:
BTW, I'm having a heck of a time trying to load my avatar. I've reduced the photo to 150 X 112, and loaded the photo into my albums, and tried to paste the URL into the browse bar under custom avatar, but nothing works. Here is the photo I want for my avatar:

Please hold off on uploading an avatar after the migration is complete.
This platform that the forum is on now is having serious technical issues.
Once the migration is complete, you should not have any problems with uploading (or downloading) anything at all.

I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Ah, been there, done that. Definitely understand. Will keep you in what prayers I do. Hopefully all will come together and life will turn in an unexpected and good way. Be Well, my Friend