Hello to everyone at Zealot

3d Modeller

New Member
Jul 9, 2014
Hi fellow modellers, I am in Durban, South Africa. I am into Sci-Fi (Star Wars), WW II and commerical vehicles mostly. I look foward to sharing with everyone on the forum. I create 3d models from the laser cutter using mostly wood
Hello and welcome to the forum.
You have come to the right place for all things SCI-FI (including Star Wars). We have MANY members here who are into SCI-FI (myself included). So I hope that you will feel at home here.

If you have nay questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice, please feel free to ask ans we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

By all means, please post photos of any projects that you have already finished (WE LOVE SEEING PHOTOS! ;)).

We do have a section for wood models. So, if you would like, please post photos of your work there.

Once again welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here.
Lots of Sci-Fi here. I really look forward to your WWII and commercial vehicles. I would love to see more of that the kind of modeling. I am a gear head myself. I am presently restoring a 1973 M.G. Midget. Welcome to Zealot, glad to have you here !! :)