HellBoy Bust WIP

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Tiny update....

To give myself a bit of impetus I'm going to try finish and release the base this weekend :)

This should allow folks to make a start while I crack on with fine tuning the other bits :rolleyes: especially since the base can be pretty fiddly, especially with the layered detail.

Best regards

Base is ready...

Okay guys I thought I'd give you something else to play with before you go blind :twisted:

Here are the plans for the base. The relief detail is pretty fiddly but now anyone enxious for the full bust can make a start :mrgreen:

Just a quick note - I recommend slices of corrugated cardboard as formers for the parts - I've posted an example of what I mean below.

I've included a pic of me adding the relief detail so you can see what I mean (scissors recommended when it's backed onto cereal card).

Any pics of progress would be cool.

Best regards



Cool. Thanks Paul. I'll download it and take a look. Though I'm all tied up at the mo so I'll probably hang on until it's all good to go.

Thanks for sharing. ;)

I like your avatar :thumb:do you have a larger picture that I could get.
(Make an iron on with it sign1.) And did someone make a card model that looks like it that would be cool.
Thanks. I found it by mistakewhilst searching for pics. I have a slightlylarger one but probably no good for anything. They're created by a company called koolart. There are other movie cars like the BTTF Delorean, Ecto1, KITT etc. You have to buy them from www.koolart.com or the british site(where they originated) www.koolart.co.uk

A papermodel like this would rock!
Ceta builders shortly required....

hey what happened with this model?

Hey Bongo - Happy New Year :wave: and the same to you all.

Sorry about the delay guys - been doing some work on the Cylon armour with the help of the mighty Ekuth. Finding reliable Beta builders is tricky enough so you don't turn down decent help when it's offered.

But as it happens I've been working on Hellboy occasionally through the christmas period and have been doing some work today too.

I'm going to put myself on the line here and say that I'll have some pics and a Ceta kit ready before the end of next week so if anyone wants to give it a go then let me know.

Just to let you know that my Ceta kits are the kits I have used for my final version (i.e. I usually wont build another one), but have a few minor changes and tweaks here and there.

Don't have a huge amount of time for instructions these days, so if someone could do a tutorial it would be most appreciated.

Again best wishes to you all for the new year.

Ceta plans ready

Well, finally got my Beta version done....

I'd made the textures finer but they're still a little 'distracting'. As a result I've made changes to the Ceta plans to tone it down further, plus I've made the hair and eye sockets a little darker to give a bit more contrast (though I'll still be spraying mine with stone effect paint and then repainting).

As for Ceta builders, the mighty Bongo has offered his services to do the build and instructions (in both english and spanish no less) so all being well - when he's done we should be in business :thumb:

Thanks for your patience :mrgreen:


Finally uploaded the bust to my site :thumb:
BazookaJo - Paper Models

Had to shrink it with rar to fit under my 10Mb filesize limit on box.net - hope this doesn't cause anyone any major problems.

Don't forget to check out Bongos excellent tutorial on this which BTW was done in days - it's me it's been waiting on :mrgreen:
Bongo Papercraft: Hellboy Model

Anyway, hope it finds a few homes.

Best regards


P.S. Anyone seen any sign of that awesome Hellboy Samaritan gun that guy was working on?
That Samaritan gun would make a nice model indeed, especially sitting next to the bust...

Congratulations for finally completing it, and thanks for sharing it with us.
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