Having a run at the Legal01 Re-envisioned Saturn V Mark III

Now comes the fun part of more small tubes. If I haven't screwed up the lay out too badly, then these should all fit into place quite nicely. Once everything is in place, just do it again 3 more times and you should be mostly done with the thrust structure. Do be careful though, on the plans part number 30 the last one there is a bit of an error. For now just print out an extra and that should cover you for the rest of the build. thumbsup
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The amount of work, coupled with the amazing consistency is quite impressive. The engines all look alike, and that's a very good thing. Incredible actually. :)
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Thanks so much for all the positive feed back everyone. You guys are all keeping me motivated. The finishing touches are going into the thrust structure presently. More photos coming soon.
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