Happy Halloween: This year I'm keeping an eye on you! :-)


Staff member
Aug 1, 2009
Howdee fans,

Halloween has come and as always I have prepared some goodies for my colleagues. :skull :skull :skull

The plan for this year was to make some coffins for them but due to the ongoing pandemic I found it a bit too "daring" to give out caskets to anyone. So something else had to be made.

I found something very creepy and ugly in my archive Sanglota's Globes Oculaires. This mysterious name hides nothing else but - eye balls! The kit comes with two versions, one "normal" and one "zombified" one and featured an opening to fill the ball with sweets - exactly what I needed!

First I build a very fast version of the original design to see how it goes together and how big it was. I roughly assembled it using tape and regular 80 gsm paper recycled from advertising mails.


I noticed that the outer edge (the center edge combining the two halves of the ball) did not appear very round. So I subdivided the edge in a similar way I re-shaped the edges of BB-8.


This looked better but the corners were too far outward which made it still look like a hexagon. So I smoothed the corners out and got this:


That would do nicely.

Next was to determine the size.


The original was too small (middle). The next was resized to 150 % which was too big (right). Somewhere inbetween would be best, so I built another one at 130 % (left). That one looked good enough.
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Now that the basic shape and size was set I made a stencil to transfer the pattern to proper thicker card.


The pattern was printed again on advertising mail and laminated to some card from packaging material.


Unfortunately the 300 gsm card I wanted to use for the final balls was much too thick and rigid. It was wrinkling and did not fit well together. The prototype was a complete failure and went into the trash bin. So I switched back to my regular 160 gsm card which was much better.

I continued to use the stencil and assembled a series of front and back sides which later would be joined together using joining strips. Flaps were omitted for a cleaner result, too. In order to achieve a flawless white ball I turned the page around so that the remaining pencil strokes faced the back side.



Both halves were pre-shaped using the body of a thick marker.
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Because I was suffering from a sinusitis using glue was out of the question. So I taped the pieces together which worked like a charm much to my surprise.


I isolated the bloody pupil from the kit and printed it on glossy photo paper.



They were cut out, edge-painted and taped together.


Again, the result was pretty good.
The two halves were supposed to be taped together, too. To do so I used double-sided tape and left-over paper from the stencil cutouts.


The tape was applied to the paper.


Then the paper was cut into strips


and further into shorter bits.


These were attached to one of the halves.


The other half was attached.


The pupils were glued to the front and the bloody veins were painted on with a marker.


And everything went into the box.


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But wait - wasn't there anything missing?

My mom came up with a great idea: She took some wool, glued it together and painted it with a marker.


Then she put it on the back of the ball and - tada - we had an optic nerve! :)



OK, it may resemble a mouse tail, but you know what it is supposed to be. ;)
Now it was time for a filling. Yaknow, 'cause the eye eats, too..! ;)


The loads for the other eyes:


Luckily the little bag fit straight through the opening without problems. Before they were inserted they were clipped together so that nothing of the precious cargo could get lost. ;)

And when all eyes were filled up the hatch was concealed with one long strip of tape.





Finally the stuffed eye balls went into a basket for the night and wil be distributed tomorrow. Why tomorrow? Because the office is closed on the weekend, so I would miss a lot of my colleagues. I can't wait! :)
Thank you! :)

Distributing the eyes was a blast My colleagues absolutely loved them! :)

I told them: Now I have my eyes everywhere! :Grin:

However, there is one more thing.

Cleaning up the mess the removal of the eyeballs had caused (ahem, if you wonder why there are no more living cyclopes - you may now know the reason :Grin: ) I noticed that the first one remained. Unbeknownst to me it rolled off the table and hid inside a box. When I put it up it stared at me - and told me a story...


The story of the injured boy

Sam was strolling around the streets of Halloweentown when suddenly a little green creature with pointy ears crossed his path.


He had never seen such a creature before and got curious.


The little green creature seemed to be as curious as he was because it looked up at him in awe.


Sam wondered why this creature was not afraid of him. Usually every man, woman and child who saw him would immediately run away in fright.

So he tested the little creature and revealed his true appearance.


Curiously this seemed to increase the interest the little creature had in him even more. It walked toward him and reached out its arms. Apparently it wanted to be lifted up.


Sam took the little guy and placed him on the big pumpkin that won this year's giant pumpkin competition. The little guy closed his eyes and stretched out his hand...


Then, all of a sudden, Sam felt something. The wound on his head closed within seconds in a mysterious fashion. He was healed! That little guy healed him!


Sam did not know what to do but to thank the little guy. But when he was about to pet him on the head he reached out again. This time it was Sam's lolly that got his attention.


"Alright", said Sam, "you may have a taste. But don't eat it up, I still need the pointy end to stab bad people in the eye with it."


And so ends the story of the injured boy, who was mysteriously healed. The little green creature then sneaked into Sam's bag where all his nasty killing tools were stored, to accompany him for one night - the night of All Hallows' Eve.

The End.

:skull :skull :skull


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Thank you! :)

However, I definitely have to improve the lighting. ;)