Handlin' Live Stock..


Active Member
Nov 8, 2001
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Ok..Many modelers like stock cars and stock pins.Let's take a closer look..
Our local has dropped 2 stock cars of at Tri-County Live Stock Auction Association for loading.When the local returns the next day the crew picks up the two loaded stock cars bound for General Meat Company in Chicago.
Now the ball is in the railroad court to get those beeves to General meats hopefully in less then 28 hours.Why 28 hours? You see after 28 hours those cattle will need to be unloaded,fed,watered and rested and that happens every 28 hours as per the Federal 28 Hour Law concerning the shipment of live stock from the time of loading so,a loaded stock car is a "hot shipment" that must be sped on its way.
After the local returns to the yard these stock cars are switched into the next train that will take these cars closer to Chicago or the nearest interchange road for forwarding to Chicago.
As we know some roads ran solid stock trains and interchanged the complete train.

Modeling this operation could call for spotting loaded stock cars at holding pins so the live stock could be fed,watered and rested especially if these cars came off another unmodeled division or entered our railroad through interchange.(stagging)

Of course you could run your stock train across your layout without the need to feed,water and rest the stock.Just remember a stock train is a high priority train that must be sped on its way.

See how we can enhance our operation by following some prototypical rules and operations??
Thanks for that!

Couple questions...

Does the 28 hours begin when the cattle are loaded, or when the train pulls away? And how long before they are picked up do the cattle get on board?

I think that shipping hogs has even more stringent rules, as they're more susceptible to heat and cold. I read somewhere that they were sometimes shipped (in hot weather) with wet sand as bedding, and that this often required additional watering during long trips.

One potentially useful piece of info I can contribute is I understand that Canadian National required that stock cars be blocked behind the engine whenever possible to allow for ease of handling (i.e. switching to unload) when reaching a point where the livestock required feed & water.

Andrew,The 28 hours begin at pickup by the railroad..The cattle was usually loaded in early morning(I seen them load cattle trucks at our local stock yard at day break)..
I never gave it much thought, however I would hate to think about the percentage of shrinkage going 28 hours with no food and water. That could be an expensive loss of weight.
My question is if they had a cow with "mad cow disease" would they put it down right away or send it through anger management classes first?
Re: MasonJar's comment on blocking.

The blocking was usually a drovers car (a version of caboose or way car) for the men responsible for handling the stock.