Green Army Men Equipment and buildings and stuff…

I forgot to show the results of the base rocks under the observation post. My lady went nuts trying to get the look she wanted. I told her this is perfect. We plan to put some chalk dust in a matte sealer on what is there now. Then I have to figure out what I want the observation post to look like, color wise.


And a bit of progress on the Hawk missile radar antennae.


I’ll have to smooth out the center of that one.


As well as this one. The center is air dry clay. Both units have boxes on the back of them and a camera/sensor thing goes above and between them. Bit by bit…

reference again:

Sucks about the flooding. I dread having to move. I lived in the past place 23 years, and that was horrendous. I'm going to rent a container and start lightening the load this Spring/Summer. I have a lot of metal stock. I have a 2"x4" of T606a, with the paperwork, I have enough stock to make just about anything. My son says he wants it, so he'll get it, I just wish I could teach him more. He's a bit ill now, when he bounces back, it will be there for him. I'd like to have it so if he decided to sell it, he could just do it in one big lot, make the person take everything, or nothing. With all the end mills, many new, in their original casings, full micrometer sets, more dial indicators than you have pockets, the list goes on. The cold kills the Winter, and the Summers, well, you have to do stuff real early or late, because of the blistering heat of them lately. It's 30 degrees F here right now! :)