Greelt's Saturn V engines, 1:48


New Member
Mar 29, 2013
Southern Germany, Bavaria
Hi fans,
as a newcomer in this forum, I surfed a bit around and think that somebody out there will probably be able to assist me with my problem:

I started to collect a lot of PDF's in order to build paper models, like Saturn V.
Finally I decided to start with Greelt's Saturn V, scale 1:48 ( yesss, we have a large living room... ;-) ).
After completion of the thrust structure. I was looking for plans of the Saturn V engines, which are to be seen on the instruction manual of Greelt's thrust structure, but no joy up to now.
Can anybody of you give me information about a link, where I could find these PDF's? Or has anybody a valid e-mail-adress of Greelt? I tried it with "", but this adress is no longer accessible.
Perhaps I will be successful here in this forum......?

Thanks in advance :)

You can find all of Greelt's Saturn V stuff (that I know of) at On the left side klick on Models for Download then klick on Misc./Parts. Part way down the page you will find the F1 engine, the thrust structure, 1st stage, interstage, and the J2 engine.

Unfortunately, That is as far as he got with the Sat V stack. Most of us have used Ton's fine Sat V (also found there) to finish the stack.

Hope this helps

@ ennder:
Hi Wes, thanks for your reply. That is exactly the link I was looking for :)
I knew that I saw it a couple of searches before, but I looked only onto the main page, not for the miscellanious things.....

Happy Easter days

Hi friends of space model builders,

after a long time I am back here with some questions about building a
Saturn V, 1:48 scale.
I am ready now with the first parts ( F1 engines, thrust structure, 1st stage, interstage ), done with the plans of Greet A. Peterusma. Fantastic construction job of Greet, by the way....
But now it's getting hard to continue:
Greelt obviously stopped working on the rest of this rocket: I tried to continue with the work of Frederic Bouchar who offered a second-stage-version in scale 1:48; however, it's not matching to the size of Greelt's stage 1, and there are some parts missing to complete this stage 2.
I was looking to the -also great and very detailed- works of Ton Noteboom, to go on with his plans for the further stages. Unfortunatelly, I can find his works only in scalw 1:96. With my PC programs here, I am unable to resize these files to 1:48, so that it would fit to the Greelt-stage 1.
Is anybody out there in the huge space of builders who probably has relevant PDF-files in 1:48 so I can proceed with this fantastic rocket?

I highly appreciate your answers !! :))

best regards


by the way: You also can send me your reply directly to my email address: (*********** ) DO NOT POST YOUR EMAIL IN THE FORUM, use the Private Mailing system within the forum.!

That's the place which I check a couple of times a day........
I can't seem to find the thread that I read this in, but, I read that Greelt's Saturn V stuff was just a little larger then 1:96. If I remember right it's closer to 1:93-1:90. So that is probably why you are having trouble with the mach up.

If anyone can remember the location of the thread I'm talking about please post it, there is good information in it.

That being said, I would suggest scaling up and printing a part (like the skin of the 2nd stage) until i have a mach in scale. Then applying that scale to the rest of the build.

I have just started the 1/48 scale Saturn V by Greetl. Any new developments? I downloaded the files a couple of days ago and they are complete and all in 1/48 scale. Also very accurate.

I have just started the 1/48 scale Saturn V by Greetl. Any new developments? I downloaded the files a couple of days ago and they are complete and all in 1/48 scale. Also very accurate.


P.M. sent. :)
Right Click on a person's avatar face, like mine for instance, best if you select "Open in New Page". On that page you will find the under "Information" the option for "Start a conversation". Then type in the very top, the person's name you wish to send the P.M. to, usually, as you get a few letters into it, the name will come up, it's case sensitive. ;)
Hello Zathros, sorry for late reply. Couldn't find any private message, I am having lots of trouble trying to build the Greetl's Saturn V. Instructions are a disaster!! Nothing is clear, parts are not drawn correctly. there are mistakes in numbering of parts etc. Do you know what could ? do apart from throwing everything away and perhaps build the Noteboon's Saturn? The problem with this model is that engines are not too detailed. My intentions are to also build the Educraft LTU which I have received from them a few weeks ago despite the fact that I have to enlarge it to 1/48 scale which is no problem for me. Your help is appreciated very much.
Hello Zathros, sorry for late reply. Couldn't find any private message, I am having lots of trouble trying to build the Greetl's Saturn V. Instructions are a disaster!! Nothing is clear, parts are not drawn correctly. there are mistakes in numbering of parts etc. Do you know what could ? do apart from throwing everything away and perhaps build the Noteboon's Saturn? The problem with this model is that engines are not too detailed. My intentions are to also build the Educraft LTU which I have received from them a few weeks ago despite the fact that I have to enlarge it to 1/48 scale which is no problem for me. Your help is appreciated very much.

I have no experience on this models. Models that have bad parts numbers and crappy instructions, well, I avoid models like that at all costs, meaning , even if I wanted it a lot. Of course, you could use it as basis for improving and produce your own accurate model of the subject at hand. I have never heard any complaints on Noteboom's models, and they look good..

I would suggest looking at this:

Re: P.M.'s, click on the avatar of the person you want to contact, a window will appear, click on "Start a Conversation", then you can start a P.M (Conversation). with that person, if one has been sent, look at the upper right hand corner of the page your on are, click the envelope icon for P.m.'s and the flag Icon for "Likes". :)
Hello Zathros, sorry for late reply. Couldn't find any private message, I am having lots of trouble trying to build the Greetl's Saturn V. Instructions are a disaster!! Nothing is clear, parts are not drawn correctly. there are mistakes in numbering of parts etc. Do you know what could ? do apart from throwing everything away and perhaps build the Noteboon's Saturn? The problem with this model is that engines are not too detailed. My intentions are to also build the Educraft LTU which I have received from them a few weeks ago despite the fact that I have to enlarge it to 1/48 scale which is no problem for me. Your help is appreciated very much.
I have built the engine step by step on my Saturn V build thread. If that is any help, have a look.