Globe series


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2005
Anchorage, Alaska
Working on the most recent iteration, # 25 I think. My goal is design of a kit. These globes are 2" in diameter right now. I'm going to scale up soon, but I've still got a few tweaks. The bearing sleeves throw off the accuracy around the poles, and they are a bit awkward to put in. That problem may go away with a larger scale.
I'll post the first and last of the series soon as a before and after type thing.

Looks like you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel. :)
Wondered where you waz... I saw this and was going to suggest..then remembered they are kits and you got a handle on the Cameo it seems so forget the suggestion I thought of!;) Instead it also brought to mind some OLDER software plugin that I used while back... that you might get a kick out of.. makes all-sorts of cool stuff and is a plugin for photoshop.."sorry I forgot about it til gust now!" .. There is also if you would rather get your hands dirty..
some cool stuff from Prof. Dr. H. Dersch and taken up by some devotees on this wiki page..which is (like most wiki's" a nightmare of finding anything) but Panorama tools and some math stuff .. I found it when I was looking for the math to print a panoramic lampshade..years ago.. all good fun stuff to excite the little grey cells!
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Darn..I forgot... I use 3/16"Eyelets, and old Coat Hanger wire Glass beads as spacers if needed... for yard spinners..windmill looking things? out of mylar.. cut the stuff up and take it all to the library on fun dat and the kids make spinners! I have some that lasted in our nightmarish conditions outside for 10+ years.. Just a thought..
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I painted the clouds on the solstice, using the weather view of Google Earth for references. So this is where the clouds were during the summer solstice 2018.

Next week I'm displaying my work in the Westercon sci-fi convention art show. I have a 4' by 4' panel. The work will be sold by silent auction. Any ideas on what to set for the minimum price? How about the price if people want to buy outright without bidding?
I'm putting 6 globes in the show and 2 boats. Each globe takes me about a week. I've been working since November and have about 25 globes in various stages of completion.

even smaller.jpg 20180624_180718 (2) - Copy.jpg 20180624_180726 (2) - Copy.jpg
Please always read "New Posts', you will see that we need to increase hard memory right now. This forum sits on private servers, not some conglomerate, and because of that, we have some liberty that others have. It's expensive to run, but the upload issue, as described in the "New Posts', will be fixed soon. It's a small inconvenience for a forum that is free, and allow so many pictures to be uploaded, as many don't, or disappear after a small time. We do the best we can. Once this issue is fixed, you will not see "The file is too big" notice, that notification is an indication that we just hit the limit. It is being taken care of. :)
I got them up. Looks like the problem is solved.

They got it fixed quick this time. You globes are superb!!

Hard to price Art. It would be nice to get more than you hoped, but no money will put a price on your capabilities. No one can put a $ number on that. :)
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They got it fixed quick this time. You globes are superb!!

Hard to price Art. It would be nice to get more than you hoped, but no money will put a price on your capabilities. No one can put a $ number on that. :)
My goal is to draw people to my website so that they sign up for my mailing list. Then I can send them notifications about when I have a new book or a kit for sale. I want the price high enough that people treat the art as valuable, but not so high that someone who wants in can't have it. Recommended ways of pricing are twice the cost of materials, but the materials don't cost much. Another way is to consider time. If I did that the cost would be too high. I looked for price of similar items on line but didn't found any. Googling handcraft globe is brings up mass produced globes with a message written on them(that's the handcrafted part) These are going for $50 -$150

I can price out acrylic paintings but that doesn't take into account the building of the models.
For the silent auction I pick a minimum bid an a quick sale price. I found that quick sale is usually twice the cost of the minimum bid. The cost if I were approached after the show is usually in between.
Honestly, for something hand made like that, the only limit is what the market could bear, and it would be worth pushing it to it's limit. Maybe have a one "Free" one with the chance of getting it tied to to signing on to your website. You just randomly pick a winner by a certain date. That would be an incentive to sign up. Just an idea. :)
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Good idea. I gave away my work before to those who signed up. I think I will hold off on incentives for now. I've heard advice that incentives tend to bloat mailing lists with people who aren't actually interested.

It's a doubled edged sword. That may be true sometimes, but that is if you over saturate with incentives, I believe. The trick is to give only one, or very few, and make it finite. Maybe even with the purchase of you, certain random buyers would get an "extra" surprise". :)