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Staff member
Aug 1, 2009

Hello fellow paper warriors,

it's my pleasure to introduce a new section to you. It is entirely devoted to The GNU Image Manipulation Program or GIMP, if you prefer. It is a free bitmap editor which you can get from .

Gimp is a very powerful graphic program. I've been working with it regularly for several years now and I have achieved stunning results. Gimp opens and saves many types of bitmap graphics and even *.pdfs. There are lots of tutorials and scripts designed to customize, enhance and pimp your Gimp ;) . You can create a whole star field with just a few mouse clicks, for example.

Despite its powers it has some drawbacks like lacking CMYK support which prevents it from being used in commercial pipelines. In addition, it is sometimes difficult to achieve certain results.

So if you have a question or a specific problem please don't hesitate to ask and join this discussion. I'm glad to answer all your questions and show you how to work with The Gimp. :)
WOW, I mean WOW!!! ;)
Is this a product that is used to change airplane models' colors and markings? I guess I'm asking about repaints.


It is a bitmap editor, a free graphic program used to alter and create *.png, *.jpg, *.bmp ... files. Of course you can use it to change the colours of a kit or to repaint plans. :)
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It is a bitmap editor, a free graphic program used to alter and create *.png, *.jpg, *.bmp ... files. Of course you can use it to change the colours of a kit or to repaint plans. :)
Thank you. Perhaps you might show how to repaint (? not sure if I'm using the correct terminology) as one of your tutorials. If it's not beating a dead horse.
That's a good idea. Rhaven Blaack and I made several repaints of Martin Saenger's Thunderfighter. IIRC Martin used Ulead Photoimpact for the original texture. Rhaven used Paint, I used Gimp for recolouring. Also, I teamed up with blake7 to recolour Ninjatoes' Mk II Viper. Is there a specific model you would like me to repaint in that tut?
I have been wanting to do a diorama of a squadron of F 105s. I thought of using the TMSC and Paragon models to do so (Paragon had the G version and TMSC has the B and D). They would need the same markings but differences in personalized aircraft. I have been gathering reference photos, under wing stores and planes.
I don't know if it is appropriate here, but I would like to incorporate a large nose art like Cherry Girl on one of the planes. So I guess being able to drop in an ouside image like Lee Clifton's Joker art he is sharing. All that being said, I would like all panel lines to remain.
There are several other projects swirling around in my head as well. I was immersed in the gaming community for about 30 years and am still a huge fan of 40k models. So if airplanes are old hat, just something to show how to color and shade without losing detail.
I appreciate this community more than most people realize. The generosity here is amazing in a world full of greed.
Thank you for taking your time to listen to me.
So basically it comes down to

- import the pattern page
- change the colour of the given parts
- apply a decal digitally

I think I'll start separate threads on these topics and explain how you can do it. Please give me a few days! :)
I'll be watching with interest! Great Idea and looking forward to how it is done.

Me too.
Yesterday I had a first touch with this program and I managed to change the background of a portrait-photo and to change the direction from landscape to high size.
Looks like a programm which can do a lot - and it is for free!
That sounds really neat. In Jane's combat flight simulator(old but great game), I got into a "Rolling Scissors" with another F-104, and when I realized we were running out of ground, I dropped the throttle, leveled the wings, dumped the flaps, lowered the landing gear, which ruined them, and it said the plane was about to blow up, but my opponent appeared in front on me, at 12 O'clock, I gently pulled on on the stick, and machined gunned him till he blew up, I ejected immediately, and the game states, "You've Won!

Sounds like a great Diorama you have going there. :)
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So basically it comes down to

- import the pattern page
- change the colour of the given parts
- apply a decal digitally

I think I'll start separate threads on these topics and explain how you can do it. Please give me a few days! :)

Thanks. I usually don't get by but on the weekend, but I am anticipating a great learning experience.