Gauge Party Winter 07 - The Party List!!!!

Well, I hate to say this, but since I haven't started yet, I guess you'll not be seeing anything from me this time:cry:. That accident I had a few months ago kinda took the wind out of my sails for a while. I've got the tracks on half my layout torn up, three projects started and this challenge to do and I've done practically nothing on any of it for over four months. I'm able to do more and more, but I'm still not sure that I'm not going to have to have something in my shoulder repaired. Ironically, I go see the orthopedic dr. on the same day this challenge is due:eek:. I'll know a bit more then, but sorry, it looks like I'm going to have to bow out of this one. I've even taken a few months hiatus from writing for the two newspapers that I have columns in, so I'm slacking off of a lot of things for now.

These challenges are fun and they motivate me, so I'm looking forward to the next one.:wave: :wave:
I'm not going to make it. I found the cereal board to be sooo much slower for me than styrene. I've decided to just build a styrene version of the car for now.
I will. I'll try to remember to post a picture of where I stopped (which just so happened to coincide with a trip to the LHS for styrene)
Dear "powers that be"

Does my church qualify? I'd say the sanctuary addition, porch addition, entry modification, steeple, and interior 75% of the total project... let me know cause I've got a backup entry.





oohhh, this is EXCITIN'!!! :woot1:
Dear "powers that be"

Does my church qualify? I'd say the sanctuary addition, porch addition, entry modification, steeple, and interior 75% of the total project... let me know cause I've got a backup entry...

Before we decide, we need to know where those parts came from. If they were all from another kit, I'd say that was kit bashing. If they came from your scrap box, I'd say that met the qualifications of this challenge.

The powers that be...:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Before we decide, we need to know where those parts came from. If they were all from another kit, I'd say that was kit bashing. If they came from your scrap box, I'd say that met the qualifications of this challenge.

The powers that be...:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

100% scrap box!
Then go for it. That's enough to qualify anyone.

Open a separate challenge thread per the rules, and repost your pictures there. You may have to delete these first since the software won't allow you to use duplicates.

I did that about 60 days ago. sign1 See the thread titled EK's contest entry.

Dear "power's that be" LOL

Can I add a second entry? Take a look at the "King Coke" in my Troy Train Show Thread. It's and old fashioned coke retort that I can gaurantee is more than 75% original. In fact, the concrete tower/kiln was originally the impellor from my old dishwasher!

